contact Burgess Owens

congress Burgess Owens Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Burgess Owens, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Burgess Owens
Position congress
State Utah
Party Republican
Office Room 1039 LHOB
Phone number (202) 225-3011
email Email Form
Contact Representative Burgess Owens
Clarence Burgess Owens is an American politician, non-profit executive, and retired football player serving as the U.S. Representative for Utah's 4th congressional district. Burgess played safety for ten seasons in the National Football League for the New York Jets and the Oakland Raiders.

Burgess Owens for congress

On This Page

Burgess Owens is a former University of Miami and NFL star who serves as Congressman for Utah’s 4th District. He spent his childhood growing up in the Deep South during a time when the barriers of segregation were being torn down. As the third black American granted a scholarship to play football at the University of Miami, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology/Chemistry.

Following college, Burgess was the 13th player drafted in the 1st round by the NY Jets. He was selected that year as the Jets’ Rookie of the Year and to the NFL’s All-Rookie team. After being traded to the Oakland Raiders, Burgess lead the Raiders defensive squad in tackles on their way to the 1980 Super Bowl Championship.

Before becoming member of Congress, Burgess devoted his time to mentoring and improving the lives of our next generation of leaders. He founded Second Chance 4 Youth; a Utah based non-profit organization dedicated to helping troubled an incarcerated youth. Burgess is an outspoken advocate for conservative values and follows the four guiding principles of Faith, Family, Free Market and Education.


Education is the key to success. From early learning to higher education, every single student in Utah and across the country deserves access to quality education – regardless of race, income, or zip code. Rest assured, one of my top priorities is supporting students and advancing policies that make our country’s education system stronger.

As a member of the Education and Labor Committee and Ranking Member of the House Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee, I am dedicated to fostering the best opportunities for students to learn, workers to succeed, and job creators of tomorrow to thrive.


Human trafficking is a heinous crime that impacts people of all ages in communities worldwide. It is estimated that over 25 million people are subjected to human trafficking and forced labor, an industry responsible for roughly $150 billion annually.

We must be vigilant in putting the criminals responsible behind bars and providing all-encompassing support to survivors. With collaboration among local, state, and federal partners and the private sector community, we can abolish these heinous crimes and restore the lives and livelihoods of those impacted.

Antitrust & Big Tech

For far too long, Big Tech has consistently restricted the choices of consumers in Utah and across the nation by unfairly hindering free-market competition. There is a strong, bipartisan push to update our nation’s antitrust laws, and I’m pleased to report that lawmakers are gaining significant traction to take on Big Tech’s anti-competitive, monopoly behaviors.

I’m a proud member of the Freedom From Big Tech Caucus, led by my good friend Rep. Ken Buck, and our mission is simple: Reform antitrust laws, end censorship, protect children, crackdown on China, support competition, and strengthen privacy rights.


The United States can no longer stand for China’s malign influence, human rights abuses, and dishonest behavior. The Chinese Communist Party has ramped up building nuclear weapons, steals secrets from American companies, and threatens overall global stability. China represents a generational threat, and America must stand up so our adversaries around the world will stand down.

As your Representative, I’ll keep fighting against the CCP’s human rights abuses and deceptive trade practices that threaten the safety and security of every American.

Economy And Jobs

I was raised on the idea that anyone who works hard and dreams big can unlock their American Dream and find success.

In Utah, you’ll find a high-skilled workforce, diverse industries, and a powerhouse economy. As one of the fastest-growing states in the nation, federal policies must match our unique innovative and entrepreneurial values.

Energy Independence

Before taking office, President Biden vowed to end American energy dominance, threatening our national security, causing pain at the pump, and increasing our dependency on foreign adversaries. Bad policies and unnecessary reliance on other countries for resources are fueling our domestic energy crisis. We need to protect our national security and unleash U.S. energy independence. As your Representative, I will always fight for pro-growth policies that boost our supply chains, energy independence, national security, and economic growth.

Health Care

It’s no secret that Utah is on the cutting edge of health care innovation. In Congress, I’m proud of our work to cut bureaucratic red tape and improve health care outcomes. Together, we can provide Utah patients and families with accessible, efficient, and compassionate care.

Immigration And Border Security

There is a devastating humanitarian, national security, and public health crisis at our southern border that is threatening the safety and security of every American. As your Representative, I am committed to securing our country’s borders.


As your Representative, I am committed to prioritizing the unique infrastructure needs of rural Utah and to ensuring that our towns aren’t overlooked in Washington. Utah is a fast-growing state. We need to rebuild our country’s crumbling infrastructure, including upgrading the roads, bridges, airports, and mass transit systems that improve the quality of life in Utah.

Law Enforcement

America’s men and women in blue put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe. At a time when morale is low, budgets are being cut, and police officers are retiring at extremely high rates, it’s imperative we give these heroes in law enforcement our full support.

Protecting Life

I am proud to be a staunch pro-life advocate in Congress and will always stand up to protect our most vulnerable. In Utah, we believe that life is precious and value the dignity and worth of every individual. As the father of six children and sixteen grandchildren, standing up for life is personal to me and I will do all I can to protect the unborn.

Second Amendment

Bureaucrats in Washington want to trample the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding American citizens. I will always stand up for Utahns and their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms because it is fundamental to preserving our liberty.

As your representative in Congress, I am honored to be your voice and to continue advocating for our most important constitutional freedoms, including the Second Amendment.

Small Business

From manufacturing to the restaurant industry and everything in between, Utah runs on small businesses. Small business is the backbone of our state’s economy, and Utah is soaring to new heights thanks to our business-friendly environment, competitive free-market principles, and state-level policies that encourage innovation.

To continue this upward trajectory, we must get the government out of the way. My top priority is to ensure that Utah’s economy continues to recover and flourish following the COVID-19 pandemic. Small business is the heart and soul of our state, and as the Fourth District heads back to work, Team Owens has your back at home and in the halls of Congress.

In addition to visiting small businesses in every corner of Utah’s Fourth, my team and I have worked hard to amplify their voices in Washington.

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