contact John R. Curtis

congress John R. Curtis Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress John R. Curtis, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name John R. Curtis
Position congress
State Utah
Party Republican
Office Room 2400 RHOB
Phone number (202) 225-7751
email Email Form
Contact Representative John R. Curtis
John Ream Curtis is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Utah's 3rd congressional district since 2017. A Republican who once identified as a Democrat, he served as the mayor of Provo, Utah from 2010 to 2017.

John R. Curtis for congress

On This Page

John R. Curtis proudly represents Utah’s 3rd Congressional District. Since being elected to Congress on November 13, 2017, John has worked on 15 pieces of legislation that were signed into law, ranging in diverse topics such as better managing public lands, combatting human trafficking, supporting small businesses, and more. Additionally, he serves as the inaugural Chairman of the Conservative Climate Caucus and a member of the powerful House Committee on Energy and Commerce. He previously served on the House Natural Resources Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee.

The Congressman cares deeply about hearing the diverse perspectives and feedback from his constituents: he held over 100 town halls during his first full year in office. Utah’s third district is the youngest in the country, with an average age of 26 years old. John is also sensitive to the many constituents that live in rural Utah and has focused on legislation that can fit needs of both demographics.

John has been committed to helping Utah’s growing tech scene flourish and was recognized by Silicon Slopes as their first Community Hero Award recipient. Other personal awards comprise of Civic Innovator of the Year by Utah Valley University, Thayne Robson Award for Leadership in Economic Development, and Outstanding Citizen Award from the Office of Civic Engagement Leadership by Brigham Young University.

Prior to coming to Washington, John was the 45th mayor of Provo City, serving two terms. He was named the #1 Top Elected Official on Social Media 2015 by the Government Social Media group and has been recognized by Forbes for his commitment to citizen engagement. As mayor, he averaged an approval rating of 93%.

Before becoming mayor, John was a small business owner in Provo, working with his partners to build their business “Action Target,” where he led sales and operations strategy. Congressman Curtis and his wife Sue have six children and thirteen grandchildren. He loves to hike and waterski, practice his Mandarin Chinese and maintains a closet full of stately socks.

Spending & Big Government

I have consistently fought against Washington’s irresponsible spending habits. I have voted no on every single bill to raise the debt ceiling and allow Washington to continue its out of control spending habits.

The federal government’s addiction to spending is a substantial threat to our economy and national security. Skyrocketing overspending by Democrats in the past year and a half has exacerbated run-away inflation, a worker shortage, and worst of all, massive debt that will hurt our children and grandchildren.

In response, I introduced the Deal With Debt Today Act, a bill endorsed by Heritage Action, which would require that all future emergency or disaster spending be offset over a ten year period. It’s time for Congress to start making decisions about our country’s financial priorities.

In addition to out-of-control spending, the Democrats have massively expanded the scope of government and have continued to reach into our personal lives and into our jobs and small businesses. I’ve introduced and passed multiple bills to ease regulations on small businesses including the Small-Business-Community Banker COVID-19 Relief Act, the Rural Broadband Permitting Efficiency Act, the Small Business Access to Capital Efficiency (ACE) Act, and the Streamlining Permitting Efficiencies in Energy Development (SPEED) Act.

Energy and Commerce Committee

I sit on one of the most influential committees in Congress – the House Energy and Commerce Committee (E&C) – and I fought for that appointment. No committee in Congress has more impact on Utah, including jurisdiction over key policies, such as energy, technology, telecommunications, healthcare, commerce (both foreign and domestic), environment, consumer safety, food and drug safety, and more.

High-profile members of Congress, like AOC, have unsuccessfully sought assignments to E&C. It’s a committee for serious legislators with a proven track record of fighting to get things done – not rhetoric that never turns into results.

I earned an assignment to E&C by working hard and getting things done for Utah. I’ve passed 14 bills in just 4 years in Congress. All of my bills have passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. And these aren’t message bills. I worked hard to earn my colleagues’ support for real solutions to tough issues that have plagued Utahns, in some cases for decades.

In my time on E&C, I’ve fought back against Democrats’ ill-conceived energy policies that strangle our economy without benefiting the environment. I fought the federal bureaucracy that makes it unfairly difficult to permit broadband and pipelines across federal land. I’ve championed conservative solutions to combat substance use disorders, uphold consumer privacy, and protect our children online from big tech and their social agenda that doesn’t align with Utah’s values.

Energy and Climate

Current US energy policy strangles the US economy, erodes US energy independence, and weakens our national security. Far too often, our current policies also increase global pollution. It’s time for the US to become the arsenal of energy for the world. It’s time to end worldwide reliance on Russia and China for dirty fossil fuels.

Current US energy policy strangles the US economy, erodes US energy independence, and weakens our national security. Far too often, our current policies also increase global pollution. It’s time for the US to become the arsenal of energy for the world. It’s time to end worldwide reliance on Russia and China for dirty fossil fuels. For example:

  • President Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline to send the message that he’s serious about the climate. But shutting down Keystone will actually increase carbon emissions. Why? Because the world still needs fuel. Keystone would have been the first pipeline in history to operate 100% on clean energy. But, with the pipeline shut down, fuel has to be transported on trucks, or even worse made and sold by China and Russia. That’s just terrible policy. Shutting down Keystone is not just empty virtue-signaling – it actually increases carbon emissions while claiming to reduce them and ships American jobs to Russia and China.
  • President Biden also blocked new oil and gas leases on federal lands. But decreasing U.S. production actually increases carbon emissions. Why? Because the U.S. has the best technology and innovation in the world to responsibly develop our natural resources. Instead of relying on our cleaner fossil fuels, Biden asked Russia, the Middle East, and Venezuela to increase their production of dirty oil and gas to meet world energy needs. Not only did Biden’s decision increase carbon emissions, but he also eliminated well-paying Utah jobs. He eliminated $1.4 billion in gross domestic product and $664 million in lost wages. To make matters worse, President Biden has dipped into the reserves we worked so hard to build. The U.S. is no longer energy-independent–we are energy dependent. We have, in fact, become dependent on our enemies for some of our energy needs. Our national security is at greater risk. We are unable to supply our allies with fuel in this moment of international crisis. The unintended consequences of these misguided climate policies are far-reaching as we have seen as gas prices have risen $1.90 since Biden took office.

The best energy policies not only ensure we are good environmental stewards, but they also put the U.S. economy on steroids, support U.S. energy independence, and promote national and international security.

We need to hold China and Russia accountable for their energy policies that will soon account for the majority of the world’s pollution. Focusing solely on domestic carbon reduction has little impact on the climate. After all, the U.S. is responsible for only 11% of all carbon emissions worldwide. And we have already reduced our carbon emissions more than the next 12 carbon-emissions-reducing countries combined. We didn’t do it through government mandates or elite meetings in global forums. We didn’t do it through international agreements that let China off the hook. We did it through U.S. innovations like fracking. Exporting U.S. energy will help other countries reduce pollution, as well.

Republicans need to go on the offensive with a robust global energy agenda and I’m leading that fight. A Republican energy agenda is the best way to fight the left’s far-reaching and destructive climate agenda like the ill-conceived Green New Deal. U.S. fossil fuels are key to reducing carbon emissions around the world. If we did nothing but replace Russia’s dirty natural gas and China’s dirty coal with U.S. clean natural gas in Europe and Asia, that one policy solution would reduce more carbon emissions than all provisions of the Green New Deal combined. It would also put the U.S. economy on steroids, improve national and international security, and establish U.S. energy independence.

This past year I launched the Conservative Climate Caucus to arm Republicans with a strong energy agenda to fight against radical progressive climate proposals that would hurt our economy, American workers, and national security. The Conservative Climate Caucus has been so successful that it is now the second-largest caucus in Congress. We are making the case that Republicans have better solutions for taking care of the Earth. And our free market solutions make America stronger too.

Foreign Policy

I have been a leader in Congress on foreign policy issues. I’ve taken the fight to Putin and the Chinese Communist Party. Russia’s Ambassador to the United States publicly called me “maniacal” and I’ve been advised in security briefings that because of my work on the House Republicans’ China Task Force, I can never set foot in China again.

When Chinese Communist Party corruption and incompetence covered up the outbreak of COVID-19, I was the first to introduce a bill calling for Chinese Communist Party officials to be held accountable for causing the worldwide COVID outbreak (the Li Wenliang Global Public Health Accountability Act). When drafting this bill, some of my Democratic colleagues planned to join me in this effort to hold the CCP accountable. But Nancy Pelosi held a conference call with all House Democrats and directed them to “stay off Curtis’s bill.” Why? Because Pelosi preferred to blame Trump for COVID in order to defeat him in the election, even if it meant letting China off the hook. Winning the next election was more important than holding the CCP accountable. But I moved forward anyway. Heritage Action endorsed my bill and I forced a vote on it to put Democrats on the record. House Republicans have now adopted holding the CCP accountable for COVID as a top priority. When Republicans retake the House, I will demand accountability.

In another instance, when China staged their takeover of Hong Kong, I responded with the Hong Kong Safe Harbor Act to provide a path for freedom fighters in Hong Kong to escape and come to America.

Biden has not been a strong leader and I have been holding him accountable.When Biden’s disastrous pullout of Afghanistan resulted in the Taliban taking over, I introduced the Taliban Recognition Prevention Act to block the Biden Administration from extending recognition of the Taliban-controlled government.

If Biden enters another terrible deal with Iran, I will exercise the Energy and Commerce Committee’s oversight powers to investigate. I will call for accountability for any deal that endangers our national security or the security of US allies, such as Israel.

And when Russia invaded Ukraine and Western leaders were unwilling to decouple from Russian energy and sanction Russian oil and gas, I introduced the Energy Unleashing in Response to the Offenses of Putin against Europeans Act, or the “EUROPE Act” to force the Biden Administration to choke the Russian oil and gas industry and replace it with American energy exports. We must ensure America’s energy independence and Europe’s energy security. The U.S. cannot counter Russian aggression without offering the world an alternative energy source.

I lived in Taiwan as a young man. During my career, I conducted business throughout the Asia-Pacific region. My understanding of China’s culture, politics, history, and language are a unique skill set in Congress. I understand what makes the Chinese Communist Party tick.

Because of my expertise, I served on the GOP China Task Force, which laid out a comprehensive Conservative strategy for US-China relations. The China Task Force crafted a Republican policy agenda that addresses a wide range of issues such as the COVID coverup, disinformation campaigns, influence operations, economic coercion, and competition for the development of advanced technology. The Chinese Communist Party knows the role I have played in establishing an effective Republican agenda to guide U.S. dealings with China. I’ve been advised in security briefings that, because of my role on the House Republicans’ China Task Force, I’ll never be able to safely set foot in China again.

My TAIPEI Act, signed by President Trump in March 2020, was the biggest step taken since Ronald Reagan to fight China’s bullying of Taiwan and China’s takeover of the United Nations organizations.

Among my many proposals to counter China, my Foreign Advanced Technology Surveillance Accountability Act punishes the Chinese Communist Party for its use of advanced technology surveillance equipment to oppress its population–specifically the Uyghurs. I have worked to block China’s influence in medical research through my Fix Nondisclosure of Influence in Health Research Act or Fix NIH Research Act. My Taiwan Symbols of Sovereignty Act and Taiwan International Solidarity Act supports vulnerable U.S. partners (such as Taiwan) when they are threatened by Chinese aggression. These are just a few examples of my leadership on US-China policy.


I firmly believe that education funding needs to follow the students so that parents have the flexibility to choose the best education for their children. That’s why I’m a proud co-sponsor of Representative Burgess Owens’s Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act.

I firmly believe that education funding needs to follow the students so that parents have the flexibility to choose the best education for their children. That’s why I’m a proud co-sponsor of Representative Burgess Owens’s Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act.

I am also a cosponsor of the Kids in Classes Act, which redirect education funds to the parents of low-income children if their local public school is shut down for three or more days during the school year due to COVID-19 or a collective bargaining action by a teachers’ union. This will help low-income families provide their child with reliable, high-quality, in-person education.


The U.S. immigration system is in shambles. The results are disgraceful. I recently visited the southern border. I don’t care if you’re a Republican or Democrat – no one could see the conditions that exist at the border and not feel compassion and anger. Congress has failed to act. Others may fear the cable news networks, but I will step out and fight for immigration laws that make sense, permanently secure the border, respect human dignity, and meet U.S. economic needs.

I oppose amnesty. I’m fighting for effective immigration reform that secures the border once and for all, discourages illegal immigration, helps American businesses get needed workers, keeps families together, fixes immigration laws that make no sense at all, removes unnecessary obstacles to legal immigration, and welcomes law-abiding, productive people into our economy, society, and communities.

I support the DIGNITY Act, a comprehensive immigration fix. The DIGNITY Act:

  • Authorizes funding to fully secure America’s border with the best technology available at no cost to American taxpayers.
  • Restarts all currently paused border infrastructure contracts and increases funding for physical border infrastructure;
  • Hires 3,000 new DHS border security personnel and prioritizes hiring of military veterans and law enforcement agents;
  • Creates a task force to detect and destroy cartel smuggling tunnels along the southern border;
  • Provides businesses the tools to verify the status of their workers.
  • Increases criminal penalties for illegal border crossings and immediately deports illegal immigrants who commit crimes;
  • Expands U.S. authority to go after transnational criminals, smugglers, human traffickers, drug traffickers, and gangs like MS-13 operating outside the United States; and
  • Fairly treats asylum seekers and those looking to contribute to our communities.
  • Streamlines the process to bring people into the country so businesses can get the workers they need.

In this country, when somebody breaks the law, we provide a way to get right with the law. If we speed, for example, we pay a fine. The Dignity Act creates a stringent process for those who are in the country illegally to get right with the law.

To begin the process, people have to come out of the shadows, pass a criminal background check, and register for a 15-year program. For the first 10 years, they’re required to hold down a job, obey the law, and pay taxes. They also pay a $10,000 fine for being here illegally – $1,000/year – as well as 2% of their income to fund the wall. If they complete these requirements, after 10 years, they begin a 5-year program. They are required to learn English and U.S. civics. They must continue to obey the law and pay taxes. Although they pay taxes, they are not eligible for federal benefits or entitlements

After 15 years, they finally have the opportunity to go to the back of the line to apply for citizenship. They don’t become eligible for federal benefits or entitlements until they become citizens.

Second Amendment

I have always been a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. I spent a large part of my career working in the firearms training industry. I was a co-owner, partner, and CEO of a company that built shooting ranges across the country.

I have always been a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. I spent a large part of my career working in the firearms training industry. I was a co-owner, partner, and CEO of a company that built shooting ranges across the country. I also provided military and law-enforcement training and lectured for the NRA. The Constitution guarantees the right for law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms for recreation and self-protection. I am committed to protecting these Constitutional Rights, while also making sure we keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous people.

Agriculture and Climate

I am going on the offensive with an agriculture agenda that protects American agricultural jobs, secures our food supply, and is environmentally sustainable. Supporting U.S. ranchers and farmers is an important part of my Conservative Climate Caucus agenda.

Do you know that the U.S. has the safest and most abundant food production in the entire world? I am fighting in Washington to support Utah farmers and U.S. agriculture and to ensure that the U.S. continues to have a safe, abundant food supply.

Unfortunately, the federal government is regulating farmers out of the industry. Not only is this bad for the economy, it also risks our national security by forcing us to turn to foreign countries for our food supply. If you think gas prices are bad, wait until you can’t get food. Ukraine has been supplying ⅓ of the world’s wheat. But exporting wheat isn’t Ukraine’s top priority right now. Supporting U.S. farmers and ranchers is the only way to secure our food supply. If we don’t have a stable and secure domestic food supply, no other government policy matters.

US agriculture should also be a strong exporter. If any country is going to dominate the world in food production, it should be the US. This is one more reason to get the federal government’s foot off the neck of our farmers and ranchers: if we don’t allow our farmers to produce freely, other countries will fill the gap and they will not do it in the same environmentally friendly way.

The far-left’s war on grazing, for example, has had a devastating impact on the environment. Far-left environmental groups have used the federal government to strangle ranching, farming, logging, and the entire agriculture industry. To make matters worse, leftist environmental policies too often destroy ecosystems, natural beauty, and the economic value of our natural resources. They result in increased pollution. The Democrats’ environmental policies too often undermine their own stated objectives.

Let’s face it. So-called environmentalists know far less about how to care for the Earth than the people who depend on a healthy Earth for their livelihoods.

Properly grazing livestock and growing crops are two of the most powerful things we can do to reduce carbon emissions, lower the temperature of the planet, and keep the Earth lush and beautiful. It is estimated that if we properly grazed livestock on even half of the world’s grasslands, that one policy solution would reduce carbon emissions to pre-industrial levels.

During my time in Congress, I’ve been fighting for legislation such as the Growing Climate Solutions Act, which would make it easier for farmers, ranchers, and private foresters to get credit for the environmentally friendly practices that they already have adopted. I’ve sent countless letters to the Administration urging them to honor permits, streamline processes, and make themselves more accountable and accessible to the industry.

My Conservative Climate Caucus is arming fellow Republicans with facts and science to fight the far-left’s destructive climate policies. U.S. agriculture is critical to a healthy planet, U.S. food security, and millions of jobs for hard-working Americans.

Big Tech Sensorship

Big tech colludes with liberal interests to silence conservative voices. Twitter blocked access to a story on Hunter Biden’s laptop in the lead-up to the election and removed Trump’s Twitter account while keeping Iranian and Chinese propaganda figures. Big tech also incentivizes anger, disinformation, and divisiveness.We need to hold these big tech companies accountable and mandate transparency to the American people around their decisions that effect all of us, and especially vulnerable populations, like our children.

Big tech colludes with liberal interests to silence conservative voices. Twitter blocked access to a story on Hunter Biden’s laptop in the lead-up to the election and removed Trump’s Twitter account while keeping Iranian and Chinese propaganda figures. Big tech also incentivizes anger, disinformation, and divisiveness.We need to hold these big tech companies accountable and mandate transparency to the American people around their decisions that effect all of us, and especially vulnerable populations, like our children.

I serve on the Technology Subcommittee which has direct jurisdiction over technology regulations, including Section 230, the law that allows big tech to censor with impunity. I am actively fighting alongside colleagues to craft policies that crack down on big tech’s power and ensure that Utah’s small business and startup economy can thrive.


Our nation is facing the worst inflation in 40 years and Biden Administration policies have directly contributed to this crisis. The President’s energy policies brought historic highs in gasoline prices. Americans were hit with Biden’s gas prices even before Russia invaded Ukraine. The Democrats’ multi-trillion dollar spending schemes flooded the country and drove up the price of goods and services.

President Biden has spent his entire career in Congress. He has never built a business. He does not understand the private sector or the most basic functions of our economy. He does not see how inflation is costing the average family $5,200 per year. He thinks he can solve rising inflation by passing another spending bill – another nearly $2,000,000,000,000 (yes, it takes 12 zeros to get to a trillion) – so he can give people the money to pay the higher prices. The more money Democrats flood into the economy, the higher prices soar. By blaming U.S. inflation on Putin, President Biden is recklessly avoiding responsibility and putting the U.S. economy, our national security and our food security at unprecedented risk.

I am fighting to help Republicans take the House back this year, permanently kill Build Back Better, and put a stop to Biden’s destructive agenda.

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