contact Steven Horsford

congress Steven Horsford Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Steven Horsford, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Steven Horsford
Position congress
State Nevada
Party Democratic
Office Room 562 CHOB
Phone number (202) 225-9894
email Email Form
Contact Representative Steven Horsford
Steven Alexzander Horsford is an American politician and businessman serving as the U.S. Representative for Nevada's 4th congressional district since 2019, previously holding the position from 2013 to 2015.

Steven Horsford for congress

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Representative Horsford is a proven champion for Nevada’s working families. In the 117th Congress, he is committed to crushing the coronavirus, getting Nevada’s economy back on track, and restoring public faith in American institutions.

Rep. Horsford understands the challenges many families in Nevada’s Fourth face each and everyday. He will fight for responsible gun control and background checks. He lost his father when he was 19 and empathizes with those who have experienced the pain of losing a loved one to gun violence. He will work tirelessly to end the school to prison pipeline and provide the safety net children and families need to succeed. Serving together, Rep. Horsford and his wife Sonya, have worked to strengthen children, families and communities because they know - family matters.

For more than a decade, Rep. Horsford led the Culinary Training Academy, the largest job training program in Nevada, helping thousands of workers find quality careers in the hospitality industry. An unique partnership between labor and business, the Culinary Training Academy under Rep. Horsford’s leadership placed over 80 percent of graduates into good paying jobs and completed a multi-million capital construction campaign.

Rep. Horsford made history as Nevada’s first African-American State Senate Majority Leader and he delivered. He passed the “Clean Energy Jobs Initiative” and positioned Nevada as a leader in renewable energy. When Nevada’s economy was devastated during the recession, Rep. Horsford worked across party lines to solve the worst budget crisis in state history.

While previously representing Nevadans in our nation’s capital, Rep. Horsford worked to ensure veterans, seniors citizens, and all Nevadans received the benefits they deserved, authored and passed the Nevada Lands Bill to create jobs across the state, and fought to protect a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions.

Most recently a small business owner, in partnership with Intel, Horsford worked to bring the first of its kind workforce development program for youth and young adults to North Las Vegas. He helped to launch a food recovery program with Three Square and major employers like MGM Resorts to address food insecurity among needy children, families and seniors. He brings a principled focus on job creation, community development and skills development to Congress. A devoted family man, Rep. Horsford has raised a strong family with his wife, Sonya Horsford, and their three children.

Opportunity for All of Us

​ I spent a decade leading the Culinary Training Academy, our state’s largest career training program. I understand that to get ahead, it starts with the skills and education we acquire and each of our lived experiences that determine our quality of life and exposure to economic opportunities. This is especially critical as we recover from a global health pandemic that impacted so many hardworking Nevada families who have struggled to make ends meet. In Congress, I have worked for economic initiatives to expand job training and apprenticeship programs, fund our K-12 schools so they remain open and provide real world supports to students, parents and teachers, delivered financial aid to more than 100,000 Nevada small businesses to keep their doors open and their workers on the job - creating jobs and economic opportunity that includes all of us.

I know that Nevadans are struggling to get ahead because of the rising costs of living - on everything from gas to housing, to food, to child care. That’s why I helped pass an expanded Child Tax Credit that put, on average, $440 in the pockets of 97 percent of families in my district. That tax break and a plan to save each household thousands of dollars per year by lowering the cost of prescription drugs, health insurance, child care and energy bills are real solutions that can bring down costs for every Nevada household.

With gas prices rising, Nevada households need relief now. That’s why I am cracking down on oil companies that are gouging consumers and making record profits, while people pay higher gas prices at the pump. I wrote and am working to pass the SAVE Act that will provide a $300 a month tax credit to individuals that own a vehicle and would be paid for by holding big oil accountable to pay a windfall tax for the record profits they’ve earned on the backs of working people who earn less than $400,000 a year.

Rental rates in southern Nevada have also increased nearly 30 percent over the past year. That’s why I voted to pass the American Rescue Plan that provided essential housing assistance and funding to Nevada. Recently, the Home Means Nevada Initiative was launched with the single largest investment in affordable housing from $500 million in funding I voted to approve. While we work to bring affordable housing to fruition in every community, we need to do everything we can now to stabilize rental prices so seniors, families, and working people are able to stay in their homes.

I’m willing to work with anyone, on either side of the aisle, to solve problems for my constituents. My Republican colleagues haven’t met us halfway so we can solve these problems together.

Health Care

​ The COVID-19 virus laid bare the problems that still plague our healthcare system, and it disproportionately impacted women and communities of color, who experienced higher rates of infection, death, and long-term health issues. That’s why I worked to deliver funding so no one pays out-of-pocket to get tested or received access to the vaccine or treatment. No family should experience a financial hardship because of COVID-19 that would make them vulnerable to debt collectors or bankruptcy.

Health care is personal to me. I live with a pre-existing condition and underwent major heart surgery several years ago. I have continually worked to lower the cost of health care for Nevadans. I have introduced legislation to cap out-of-pocket costs for Medicare beneficiaries and provide dental insurance to cover preventative care, routine treatments, and dentures if needed. For families, I have championed legislation to close the coverage gap and make healthcare more affordable for parents who work part-time or are in job training.

While in Congress, I have stood up against big pharmaceutical companies who oppose efforts to cap insulin at $35 per month and Republicans who have tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act. I have also protected Medicaid expansion at every opportunity because I know when we help everyone gain access to critical health services, it helps all of us.


​ I understand that to succeed in today’s economy, we must adequately fund and support our local schools to provide all children an equitable education. That’s why I helped make sure that students could safely return to the classroom by securing more than $1 billion in funding for Nevada’s K-12 schools when we need it most. And I’m working to ensure accountability so every dollar is used as intended - to provide after-school tutoring, summer school, and additional mental health and educational resources in our schools and communities to help every child succeed and to give parents the support they need and to pay our teachers and education professionals the wages their worth.

Every young person coming out of high school, whether they’re headed to college or into the workforce, must have access to the education and training that will help them achieve a successful life and build a successful career. While in Congress, I have pushed to make college tuition more affordable and delivered record investment in vocational training programs so that the next generation gains the skills and knowledge that they need to prosper. And I’m working to make apprenticeships, trade schools, and college more accessible to all students and to address the rising amount of student debt and canceling at least $15,000 of college debt.

Reducing Crime and Gun Violence

​ I know firsthand the traumatic toll that gun violence takes on our families and communities. My father was killed in a random act of gun violence when I was 19 years old.

I believe this is not an issue that should be used as a political wedge or culture war between the parties, and we can both reduce crime in our neighborhoods and prevent more lives from being taken from senseless gun violence. That’s why I introduced the Break the Cycle of Violence Act, which would invest in local violence prevention programs that build safe communities. Evidence proves that when we work with community and faith-based leaders and invest in summer jobs for teenagers and young adults, we can both reduce crime and save lives at the same time. My legislation also funds hospital-based services to deter retaliation when gun violence sadly does occur.

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