contact Deb Haaland

Secretary Of The Interior Deb Haaland Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Secretary Of The Interior Deb Haaland, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Deb Haaland
Position Secretary Of The Interior
State whitehouse
Party Democratic
Entered Office January 20, 2021
Office Room 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
Phone number (202) 456-1111
email Email Form
Contact Secretary Of The Interior Deb Haaland
Debra Anne Haaland (born December 2, 1960) is an American politician serving as the 54th United States secretary of the interior.

Deb Haaland for Secretary Of The Interior

Debra Anne Haaland (born December 2, 1960) is an American politician serving as the 54th United States secretary of the interior. A member of the Democratic Party, she served as chair of the New Mexico Democratic Party from 2015 to 2017 and as the U.S. representative for New Mexico’s 1st congressional district from 2019 to 2021.

Haaland is a Native American and enrolled member of the Laguna Pueblo tribe. Haaland’s congressional district included most of Albuquerque and most of its suburbs. Along with Sharice Davids, she is one of the first two Native American women elected to the U.S. Congress. She is a political progressive who supports the Green New Deal and Medicare for All.

On December 17, 2020, then President-elect Joe Biden announced that he would nominate Haaland to serve as Secretary of the Interior. She was confirmed by the United States Senate on March 15, 2021, by a vote of 5140. Following her swearing-in on March 16, she became the first Native American to serve as a Cabinet secretary and the second to serve in the Cabinet, after Republican former vice president and Kaw Nation citizen Charles Curtis.

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