contact Vicente Gonzalez

congress Vicente Gonzalez Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Vicente Gonzalez, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Vicente Gonzalez
Position congress
State Texas
Party Democratic
Office Room 113 CHOB
Phone number (202) 225-2531
email Email Form
Contact Representative Vicente Gonzalez
Vicente Gonzalez Jr. is an American attorney and politician serving as the United States Representative for the 15th district of Texas. He is a member of the Democratic Party.

Vicente Gonzalez for congress

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He who has the desire to do more, does more, than he who can and does nothing. That dicho or saying, repeated over and over by his parents, explains the success of Vicente Gonzalez, a McAllen attorney who has stood up for working families and recovered millions of dollars for our local schools.

From GED to Law Degree

From humble beginnings, Vicente was raised in a military family. Through hard work, pure ganas, and his mother’s dicho, Vicente aimed to make something of himself. His mother stressed to him over and over again that education was the key that will open doors of opportunities. Vicente made the decision to get his life back on track by going back to school to get his GED, working and attending classes at community college, and earning his college degree alongside other military families at the Embry Riddle Aeronautical University on the Corpus Christi Naval Air Station. Vicente surpassed his and his parents' dreams when he graduated from Texas A&M School of Law, earning his Juris Doctorate degree.

While in law school, Vicente learned how government should work. Through his experience as a Congressional Intern in Washington, D.C., Vicente learned how government really works.

After law school, Vicente didn’t stop learning, and continued his training in Negotiation at Harvard University School of Law.

A Fighter for Working Families and Students

Vicente started his business, the Law Offices of V. Gonzalez and Associates, in McAllen and married Lorena Saenz, a former teacher and administrator in Edinburg and McAllen schools. Vicente has focused his practice on fighting for a level playing field for working families wronged by corporations and insurance companies evading responsibility. Through several victories for our community, Vicente recovered millions in tax dollars for South Texas school districts after shady contractors misspent millions in bond money and put our children in physical danger.

Today, Vicente Gonzalez is fighting for our South Texas values in Congress as a member of the Committees on Financial Services and Foreign Affairs and the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth. Vicente has stood by our promise to veterans, helping constituents cut through red tape at the VA and working across the aisle to prevent the shameful deportation of our honorably discharged veterans. He’s working to lower prescription drug prices, protect the benefits and healthcare of seniors, and ensure that jobs and opportunities are there for all with the ganas to work.


Education is the advice of our parents and grandparents, and they know what they’re talking about. In today’s information economy, a quality education is a necessity. Education is required to get ahead in life, compete for higher paying jobs, and to expand our innovation and creativity as a workforce to compete on a global scale.

As Congressman, I will fight to protect Head Start and pre-K programs that ensure children enter kindergarten ready to learn. I will work to increase investment in technology so that our children are not left behind by a digital divide. I will push for affordable access to higher education so our future leaders are not burdened with insurmountable college debt.

That is why I propose tuition-free higher learning for the first two-years after high school. Congressman Hinojosa, as well as the leader of our state legislative delegation, Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa, have been instrumental in expanding graduate programs in South Texas, including engineering and the new Medical School.

I will work to build on their legacy to continue providing quality educational experiences for our students, while finding new solutions to make college more affordable and reduce student debt.

Medicare & Social Security

Medicare and Social Security are solemn promises that must be honored. After a lifetime of work, seniors deserve the peace of mind that they will have a modest level of security to depend on.

These programs have worked, and worked well. That is why I will oppose risky efforts to privatize Social Security or turn Medicare into a voucher system.

As Congressman I will work to address the long term funding challenges of Social Security, while fighting to ensure the hard earned benefits of seniors keep pace with the rising cost of living, medical care and prescription drugs.

Jobs and Standing Up for South Texas

Our economy in South Texas continues to diversify and grow, from trade to health care, agriculture, manufacturing, innovation and more. As Congressman, I will take on any politician who casts negative stereotypes on border communities that hurt our business environment.

At the same time, I’ll work across the aisle and with anyone who understands that trade and our relationship with Mexico are job creators for America. I will fight for jobs, and I will fight for higher wages and salaries so that our families not only provide for themselves, but also care for themselves.

That means making child care more affordable, standing by family medical leave, and ensuring that affordable health care is within the reach of every working Texan.


I stand by our local veterans who have never stopped fighting to bring a VA hospital to the Valley to honor the sacrifices of all South Texas men and women who have served our nation proudly. Their efforts have led to vastly expanded health care services in South Texas, but much more still needs to be done. As Congressman, I will honor our nation’s debt to our veterans by fighting for:

  • A full VA Hospital in South Texas.
  • Reform and modernization at the VA to ensure efficient and high-quality care for all veterans.
  • Increased mental health services, including treatment, counseling and support, for those suffering from PTSD and their families
  • Increased support for military families, especially those who must serve as caretakers for injured and disabled veterans.
  • Strong GI Bill benefits to ensure every veteran has access to higher education and a chance to serve our nation as a civilian just as they did in uniform.
  • Expanded civilian workforce opportunities for our service-members returning from the armed forces.

Keeping America Safe

America is the land of the free, and I support a strong military and national defense to ensure we stay that way. Today we face various enemies who play by different rules, and we must stay vigilant while honoring the Constitutional rights of US citizens. As Congressman, I will support the critical efforts to keep our country and families safe by:

  • Investing in first responders at the community level.
  • Maintaining smart border security, increased security at our ports and a more collaborative and accountable relationship with Mexico.
  • Keeping our military strong and continuing to remain a leading force in global defense and protection.
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