contact Colin Z. Allred

congress Colin Z. Allred Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Colin Z. Allred, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Colin Z. Allred
Position congress
State Texas
Party Democratic
Office Room 114 CHOB
Phone number (202) 225-2231
email Email Form
Contact Representative Colin Z. Allred
Colin Zachary Allred is an American politician, lawyer, and former professional football player. A member of the Democratic Party, he is currently serving as the U.S. Representative from Texas's 32nd congressional district.

Colin Z. Allred for congress

On This Page

Colin is a civil rights attorney and Dallas native who is running to keep representing Texas’ 32nd District.

In 2018, Colin was inspired by the many grassroots voices that have stepped forward to defend our common values since the 2016 election. Now Colin is running to continue representing North Texas in Congress because he believes that we need leaders who stand by North Texas values, fight against special interests and work to deliver real results for the people of this community.

Colin has both lived and fought for the American Dream.

Born and raised in North Dallas by a single mom who taught in Texas public schools for nearly 30 years, Colin was an All-Star athlete at Hillcrest High School before earning a full-ride football scholarship to Baylor University. Diploma in hand and prepared to attend law school after college, he deferred his acceptance to the University of California Berkeley School of Law when he signed with the Tennessee Titans as an undrafted free agent. Colin played the better part of five seasons before sustaining a career-ending neck injury that opened the door for him to fulfill his dream of studying law and applying his legal training to help others.

As Special Assistant in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of General Counsel, Colin helped then-Secretary Julián Castro ensure that the most vulnerable Americans can live in dignity. Among his projects at HUD, Colin worked with Congress and the Office of the Inspector General to ensure that public funds were spent wisely without sacrificing services and to ensure that the Department complied with all applicable ethics laws and regulations. Here in Texas, he put his legal skills to work as the Dallas-Fort Worth Director of the first-ever statewide coordinated voter protection program led by Battleground Texas during the 2014 gubernatorial election.

​ As Special Assistant in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of General Counsel, Colin helped then-Secretary Julián Castro ensure that the most vulnerable Americans can live in dignity. Colin was a voting rights attorney for the prestigious Perkins Coie law firm and counsel to a range of clients including national and state political candidates and advocacy organizations. Colin’s experience also includes positions in both the Obama White House and the U.S. Attorney’s office.

Colin’s journey taught him about the importance of hard work.

Colin’s journey taught him about the importance of hard work, the impact of a quality education, and that the best path forward is often facing our toughest challenges head-on – but from his beginnings as the son of a single mother to an NFL player and civil rights attorney, Colin truly believes that his story reflects less what is special about him and more about what makes our country special.

Colin has taken these values and life experiences to the Capitol, and started getting Washington back to working for our community.

From lowering prescription drug prices to securing the Garland VA Medical Center, Colin has been a leader in working across the aisle to bring real results to North Texas. He led the charge in the House to fight back against the cynical, partisan lawsuit that would repeal the Affordable Care Act and with it, protections for folks with pre-existing conditions. He knows that we won’t bring progress to our community with partisan politics, which is why 70% of the bills he’s cosponsored are bipartisan.

While we have made great strides in his first term, Colin knows that our work is far from over. We still have more work to do to build an economy that works for everyone, to ensure that every North Texan has access to affordable health care and we address the systemic injustices that affect some of our most vulnerable communities.

Health Care

Access to health care is a fundamental right—one that too many of our fellow North Texans have been denied for too long. Nearly 1 in 4 Dallas County residents—over 500,000 people—lack health coverage, and Texas has the highest uninsured rate in the nation. Many North Texans who do have insurance still must contend with high premiums, high deductibles, high drug prices, and huge out-of-pocket costs. And the spread of COVID-19 has only highlighted how our current health care system is failing too many North Texans.

Colin has stood up against partisan attacks to our health care and has worked hard to ensure that all North Texans have access to affordable, quality health care regardless of pre-existing conditions or their income. He led the fight in Congress to lower prescription drug prices for North Texans families. Colin also led the charge in Congress to secure the Garland VA Medical Center, which is already providing necessary services to veterans and treating veterans with COVID-19. The project will create an estimated 5,000 jobs as it adds services and staff over the next few years.

Texas is still home to the largest uninsured population in the country, and that number has only increased since the spread of COVID-19. We’ve made some progress to make affordable care more accessible. We can, and must, do better in this country. Health care isn’t a luxury item you can go without—it’s a matter of life and death. We must address the current health care crisis in Texas by building on the progress on the Affordable Care Act, expanding Medicaid and ensuring that every North Texan family has access to COVID-19 testing and support resources.

Stabilize and expand our health care markets: The ACA was an enormous step forward in expanding access to health care and ending abusive practices by insurance companies. No longer can insurers treat you differently because of a pre-existing condition or impose an annual or lifetime cap, and parents can now keep their children on their health insurance plans until they’re 26. Colin has led the charge in Congress to defend the ACA from partisan lawsuits in federal court and has voted for legislation to fix the ACA and expand access and lower costs across the board.

Lower the cost of prescription drugs by allowing direct negotiation: Colin voted for powerful new mechanisms to allow the Department of Health and Human Services the ability to negotiate lower drug costs for all Americans. The fight is not over and this is a top priority for Colin. North Texans need relief.

​Create a public option: In order to expand coverage and lower costs, we must introduce more competition into the health care market by offering every American an option to buy into Medicare. Medicare’s low overhead costs and established provider networks can form the basis for an affordable, quality alternative that will compete with private insurers, driving down costs for everyone. Under this plan, existing sources of health insurance, including employer-provided insurance, will not be disturbed, and North Texans will be able to choose whether they want to keep their current insurance or buy into Medicare.

Protect and expand Medicaid: Medicaid provides critical healthcare to children, the disabled, and the elderly. Medicaid expansion could result in more than 1 million Texans gaining access to health care coverage.

Bolster the fight against HIV/AIDS: We have made tremendous strides in combating HIV/AIDS in recent decades, but there is still work to be done. In Congress, Colin has supported fully funding, and expanding, programs to educate, prevent, and treat HIV/AIDS. That includes programs that provide vital medical care for those with HIV who are uninsured or underinsured.

Economic Growth and Security

Every generation of Americans must rise to the task of protecting and passing on our greatest legacy: the American Dream, the idea that our children will have a better life than we did and that we can retire with dignity.

These uniquely American ideas have spread across the world, but here at home, the path into the middle class is narrowing and the American Dream is disappearing for too many. And that path has only gotten narrower in light of the spread of COVID-19. Colin has lived his version of the American Dream here in North Texas and is committed to restoring this fundamental promise for future generations by fighting for good-paying jobs and an economy that works for everyone.

In Congress, Colin has been a fighter for small businesses, ensuring that they have all the support they need to get through the fallout of the COVID-19 and has earned the US Chamber of Commerce’s Spirit of Enterprise award for championing bipartisan policies that help the growth of local businesses.

Colin has been a fighter for local economic growth in North Texas, from investing in infrastructure, including the high speed rail, to leading the effort to secure a bipartisan USMCA trade deal which supports 36,000 jobs in our region.

In addition to the dignity of work, Colin believes that every American has the right to retire with dignity, which is why he has fought to protect Social Security and Medicare to ensure a reliable pension or stable 401k for everyone.

In Congress Colin has:

  • Voted for the Paycheck Fairness Act which will help ensure everyone gets equal pay for equal work.
  • Voted to repair and rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, creating thousands of jobs in the process.
  • Voted to raise the minimum wage, because in America, no one should live in poverty while working an honest job and playing by the rules.
  • Sponsored a bipartisan bill to ensure new parents get much-needed financial help after the arrival of their new baby.
  • Made job training a top priority because we must ensure all our workers can get the training they need.


Colin had the chance to follow his NFL career with a career as a civil rights lawyer because of the public education he received in the Dallas Independent School District. For so many other kids like Colin, a quality education is the first essential building block to ensuring equal opportunity in our country. Every child has the fundamental right to a quality education—regardless of where they grow up, whether their family is rich or poor, or the color of their skin. Education liberates the mind and opens the door to a better life. But today, we are not doing enough to make sure every child has access to the education they deserve.

In Congress, Colin has been a strong supporter of investing in our public schools and ensuring that our schools and teachers have all the resources they need to support our students. This includes investing in infrastructure as well as universal pre-k so that every child, regardless of their zip code can get a good start on their education and parents get much needed relief in child-care.

Ensuring that every child in America has a shot at the American Dream, includes making higher education and vocational and training programs more accessible for North Texan families. An investment in our kids is an investment in the future of this country, and Colin will fight for every child to have the education they need for success.

We have to make higher education more affordable and expand public service loan forgiveness for those who are working to better their community. Our investment in higher education has decreased over time and this has resulted in middle-class families bearing the cost. We must work toward debt-free college and ensure that no matter who you are, you can have access to the education and training you need to succeed. Colin supports efforts to expand access to community colleges and has supported making investments in these vital, job-creating institutions.


Our current immigration system is broken and Colin supports comprehensive immigration reform that includes securing our borders, protecting DREAMers, and providing a pathway to earned citizenship for those who are working hard and obeying the law. Colin will work with both parties to get it done.

In Congress, Colin has fought to keep our borders and communities secure by ensuring our law enforcement is equipped with the training and tools they need. Colin has worked to protect DREAMers, and voted for the bipartisan Dream and Promise Act—a common-sense solution to ensure these young people who are here through no fault of their own can stay in the only country they have ever known.

Colin is committed to solutions that ensure those obeying the law, working hard, paying taxes and contributing to our economy should have a pathway to earn citizenship.

Texas has a long history of welcoming those who want to come to this nation, work hard and play by the rules. Colin has been vocal that we need to ensure due process of law when handling immigration cases—no family seeking legal means to come to America should be separated at the border, and employers who knowingly hire and exploit undocumented workers should be held accountable for their actions.

Restoring Our Democracy

The most powerful office in our country has always been, and must continue to be, that of the citizen. Today, however, the corrupt influence of money in our democracy, along with efforts to suppress voting, are drowning out the voices of the American people and destroying faith in our government. When a few individuals and giant corporations can spend hundreds of millions of dollars influencing our elections and pushing their personal agendas, they overpower the interests of everyday people. Everyday people are further silenced when they are stripped of their most fundamental right—the right to vote. Without it, we are powerless to exercise any other right our Constitution guarantees.

In order to reverse the undue influence of money in politics, we must put power back into the hands of the people, which is why Colin supports legislative efforts, including a constitutional amendment, to overturn Citizens United. Colin doesn’t accept corporate PAC campaign donations. He is a voice for North Texans, not donors or corporate special interests.

This issue is personal to Colin: as a voting rights attorney who has seen the negative impact of voter suppression firsthand, Colin knows that these practices must end. The voices of North Texans must be heard, and our government must return to working for the people that elect them—not the powerful special interests that fund their campaigns.

Colin was an early leader, calling for wholesale reform of our elections to root out corruption, get big money out of politics and ensure every eligible voter can easily exercise their constitutional right to vote. Colin led the charge to pass H.R. 1 the For The People Act which:

  • Expands access to voting by creating automatic voter registration, creates a universal no-excuse vote by mail, makes Election Day a national holiday, expands early voting and removes harmful barriers to voting that impact too many folks in Texas.

  • Ends partisan gerrymandering and prevents politicians from picking their voters instead of the other way around.

  • Invests in election security by increasing federal support to ensure our elections are protected.

  • Eliminates dark money and includes the DISCLOSE Act, which would shine a light on dark money special interest spending in our elections, requiring disclosure. The act is in response to harmful Supreme Court decisions that allow shady outside groups to spend anonymously without disclosing who is funding them.

  • Empowers ordinary people, and remakes how campaigns are funded by creating a matching system for small-dollar donations that encourages everyday Americans to participate in democracy and decreases the power of big donors. Our democracy belongs to the people and this move will help get big money out of politics.

  • Ensures strong rules and oversight by remaking the Federal Election Commission so it can hold bad actors accountable and finally common-sense rules to rein in super PACs and other outside groups.

Colin also introduced the Know Your Polling Place Act, which would require voters to be notified of changes in their polling places. This bill passed as part of H.R. 1.

In Congress, Colin has been a champion of legislation reinstating and modernizing the Voting Rights Act, to halt new voter suppression laws that have had a clear impact on voter turnout. This includes eliminating unreasonable and discriminatory voter ID laws.

Colin also believes we need to restore voting rights for the formerly incarcerated: 4.7 million formerly incarcerated Americans have been stripped of the right to vote by discriminatory state laws across the country. This must end.

Gun Violence Prevention

Colin grew up in Texas, and has always respected guns and common-sense gun ownership as protected in the 2nd Amendment. As a father, Colin finds the idea that his child will not be safe at school unacceptable. We must reject the idea that random, regular church and school shootings are a part of American life and that our elected officials are powerless to stop them. We can and must do more. In Congress, Colin has stood up for common-sense approaches to reducing gun violence while protecting the rights of responsible gun owners.

Colin believes that we need universal criminal background checks on every gun sale, which protects the rights of responsible gun owners and will save lives. We must close loopholes in our current laws which allow felons, domestic abusers and the severely mentally ill to avoid background checks when buying guns through unlicensed sellers, often online, who are not required by federal law to run background checks.

A woman is five times more likely to die if a gun is present in a domestic violence situation, which is why Colin supports closing the boyfriend loophole that allows abusive dating partners, abusive spouses and individuals who have been convicted of misdemeanor stalking to purchase guns.

There is no reason to allow weapons of war to be sold where folks without the proper training can buy them. Colin supports bipartisan legislation to keep these weapons off our streets, out of our schools, and away from those who seek to do harm. Colin also supports bipartisan Red Flag laws which give family members and law enforcement officials the ability to temporarily restrict access to firearms to individuals who are deemed a risk to themselves or others. This bipartisan solution can and will save lives.

After 20 years of inaction by Congress, Colin voted to pass a measure to finally get funding to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study gun violence as it relates to public health. A vital step in gathering important research about the gun violence epidemic that too often impacts our communities.

Equality Under the Law

As a civil right attorney, Colin believes we must stand united against all forms of prejudice, and he will work to continue to erase all barriers to equality in our society. In Congress,

Colin is a strong supporter of the Equality Act, a landmark piece of legislation which would amend civil rights laws to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity with regards to employment, housing, credit, education, public spaces and services, federally funded programs, and jury service–so that everyone can participate equally in all aspects of American life.

Colin supports common-sense police reform: Time and time again as a nation, we’ve witnessed Black people being unjustly killed at the hands of those who are supposed to protect and serve. Now, we must face head-on the long-standing, deep racial inequities that too many Black Americans face. It is long past time we implemented common-sense reforms that will restore trust in our law enforcement and ensure justice. Colin supports The Justice in Policing Act, a common-sense and comprehensive approach to police reform which will hold police accountable, end racial profiling, change the culture of law enforcement, empower our communities, and build trust between law enforcement and our communities by addressing systemic racism and bias to help save lives.

Colin has fought for the rights of the LGBTQ community, including protecting transgender members of our military and recruits, who are bravely serving in the military and defending our country. Colin also supports efforts to ban conversion therapy, which perpetuate bigotry and cause real and lasting harm, especially to young people. Same-sex relationships are still illegal in 72 countries, and punishable by death in 8 countries. In Congress, Colin spoke out against efforts by foreign countries to enact laws and policies targeting their LGBTQ citizens and will ensure that American taxpayer funds are never used to perpetuate discrimination abroad.

Colin has fought to ensure equal pay for equal work. It is outrageous that in the 21st Century women still make much less than their male counterparts for comparable work. And the pay gap is even wider for women of color. In Congress, Colin voted for passage of the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would make it easier for employees to discover and seek redress for unequal pay, and bolster the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s investigative resources to root out pay discrimination.

Colin has fought to protect women’s reproductive health and freedom: Colin has stood up for the rights of women to make their own health care choices about their bodies. Those deeply personal decisions should involve a woman, her family, her beliefs, and her doctor, free from any government interference. Colin will also fight efforts to restrict access to contraception and family planning services that have helped reduce the rate of abortion and teen pregnancy, which includes standing with Planned Parenthood which provides lifesaving access to preventative care, including cancer screenings, for millions of women and men, many of whom are low-income and would have no other way to see a doctor.

Colin has worked on legislation to enact paid family leave and expanded child care programs, because no one should have to choose between having a family and keeping their job. Paid family leave would allow you to take time off when you have or adopt a new child, when you or a family member gets sick, or when a member of your family is deployed in the military–and then come back to work afterward. Helping to make child care affordable for working families would enable more working moms to continue to work full-time.

It’s long past time we end violence against women: Too many women in our country have experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault, and domestic violence. Colin proudly voted to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act and will not stop advocating for this legislation until the Senate finally brings the bill up for a vote. The federal government must work to ensure victims of such incidents are provided with access to support services, including counseling and health care. Colin has resisted efforts to dismantle Title IX protections for victims of sexual assault on campuses across the nation– we need to reinforce and expand sexual violence prevention programs in our schools, not roll back protections. In Congress, Colin has continued to listen to and fight for victims. Colin will speak out against harassment, assault, and gender-based violence in all its forms.

Energy and Environment

It is a misconception that we must choose between a healthy environment and a prosperous economy. We can protect our environment, combat climate change, lower energy costs and incentivize economic growth simultaneously. Texas is an energy state. Texas can and should lead the way in renewable and clean energy, creating good paying jobs for hardworking Texans and protecting the planet for future generations. We are already doing it with wind energy. Texas is the top state in the country in wind energy protection and nearly 26,000 Texans make their living connected to the wind energy industry. The two fastest-growing job openings in America are wind technician and solar installer and Colin wants to keep bringing those jobs to Texas. As a nation, we should continue to invest in wind, solar and other clean energy sources, and lead the way into a new generation of renewable and clean energy economic growth.

Animal Welfare

Animal welfare is an issue that crosses party and ideological lines. Through the combined efforts of Americans of all political affiliations we have ended or curtailed many long-standing forms of animal exploitation or cruelty. However, there is still work to do.

Colin supports a ban on animal fighting, including dogfighting and cockfighting, everywhere in the U.S. and supports expanding domestic violence protections to include pets.

In Congress, Colin has joined the bipartisan effort to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption. This brutal and cruel practice should be prohibited permanently as a matter of national policy.

Colin also supports the ban of the sale of dog and cat meat in the U.S. Colin has cosponsored several animal safety and welfare bills. This includes the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, and the Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act, the Welfare of Our Friends (WOOF) Act, the PREPARED Act and the Big Cat Public Safety Act.

Colin has earned a 100% score from the Humane Society Legislative Fund.

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