contact Yvonne Davis

Representative Yvonne Davis Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Yvonne Davis, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Yvonne Davis
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Yvonne Davis
Yvonne Davis, born on February 4, 1955, in Dallas, Texas, is a dedicated Democratic member of the Texas House of Representatives, representing the 111th District since 1992.

Yvonne Davis for Representative

Yvonne Davis, born on February 4, 1955, in Dallas, Texas, is a dedicated Democratic member of the Texas House of Representatives, representing the 111th District since 1992.

Davis earned her Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Houston, laying the foundation for her future endeavors.

Beyond her political career, Yvonne Davis has excelled as a small business owner, bringing practical experience and a diverse skill set to her public service.

Since 1992, Yvonne Davis has been an unwavering member of the Texas State House of Representatives. Throughout her tenure, she has contributed significantly to legislative efforts. Currently, Representative Davis serves on the Transportation Committee and plays a pivotal role on the Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence committee, where she holds the position of vice-chair. Her commitment to public service is evident in her continued dedication to the well-being of her constituents and the state of Texas.

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