contact Venton Jones

Representative Venton Jones Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Venton Jones, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Venton Jones
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
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Contact representative Venton Jones
State Representative Venton Jones (Dallas) is currently serving his first term in the Texas House of Representatives. District 100 serves parts of South Dallas, West Dallas, East Dallas, Buckner Terrace, Victory Park, and Oak Cliff.

Venton Jones for Representative

State Representative Venton Jones (Dallas) is currently serving his first term in the Texas House of Representatives. District 100 serves parts of South Dallas, West Dallas, East Dallas, Buckner Terrace, Victory Park, and Oak Cliff.

Representative Jones serves as a member of the House Committee on Public Health and the House Committee on Corrections. In addition to his committee appointments, He serves as the Legislative Chairman of the Aggie Caucus, member of the Texas House Democratic Caucus, the Texas Legislative Black Caucus, the Texas House LGBTQ Caucus, the Texas Energy & Climate Caucus, and the Legislative Study Group. Representative Jones was honored by his peers in the Texas House by being named the LGBTQ Caucus “Freshman of the Year” during the 88th Legislative Session.

Professionally, Representative Jones is a non-profit CEO, Texas Realtor, and a demonstrated servant leader. He is the Founder and CEO of the Southern Black Policy and Advocacy Network (SBPAN), where the mission of the organization is to improve health, social, and economic conditions impacting Black communities in the U.S. South. Since the beginning of his career, Representative Jones has been a tireless advocate working to improve healthcare access, fighting for marginalized communities and middle-class families, and protecting voting rights.

Representative Jones received his Bachelor of Science degree in Community Health from Texas A&M University, his Master of Science degree in Health Care Administration from The University of Texas at Arlington, and also holds a global certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP).

In his free time, Representative Jones enjoys karaoke, do-it-yourself home improvement projects, gardening, and spending time with family and friends. In addition, he is an active member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated, and a lifetime member of the NAACP.

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