contact Toni Rose

Representative Toni Rose Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Toni Rose, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Toni Rose
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Democratic
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Contact representative Toni Rose
State Representative Toni Rose was elected in 2012 to represent Texas House District 110, which encompasses the communities of Oak Cliff, Pleasant Grove, and Balch Springs in Dallas County.

Toni Rose for Representative

State Representative Toni Rose was elected in 2012 to represent Texas House District 110, which encompasses the communities of Oak Cliff, Pleasant Grove, and Balch Springs in Dallas County.

Representative Rose is a proud alumna of Paul Quinn College. Her legislative focus includes mental health reform, access to affordable healthcare, and criminal justice reform.

Currently, Representative Rose serves as the Vice Chair of the following committees: House Subcommittee of Article II Appropriations, House Committees on Calendars and Human Services. She’s also a member of the Redistricting Committee and the newly formed House Select Committee on Health Care Reform.

Over the course of her legislative service, Representative Rose has secured billions of dollars to fund programs that improve the lives of everyday Texans. One of her standout budgetary accomplishments is obtaining significant funding for the construction of the first State Psychiatric Hospital in Dallas.

She also secured funding for the Department of State Health Service’s Alzheimer’s Program. This initiative prioritizes quality care and equitable access to best practices when caring for the approximately 400,000 Texans who have Alzheimer’s. Other budgetary accomplishments include funding state services that reduce the risk of children’s removal from their homes, an Early Childhood intervention program, and fully funding the Texas HIV/AIDS Medication Program (THMP).

Her other achievements include extending Dallas County’s ability to transport senior citizens to county-run health centers, wellness events; and designating December 1st as Rosa Parks Day.

Representative Rose currently serves as Financial Secretary of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators. She also is the Deputy Whip of the Texas House Democratic Caucus. Her former roles and appointments include Chair of the House Democratic Campaign Committee, Secretary to the Texas Legislative Black Caucus and Treasurer of the National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women (NOBEL Women).

Representative Rose continues to be a fierce champion for District 110 and the great state of Texas.

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