contact Todd Hunter

Representative Todd Hunter Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Todd Hunter, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Todd Hunter
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Todd Hunter
Todd Ames Hunter, born on August 26, 1953, is an American politician and attorney hailing from Corpus Christi, Texas. He currently represents District 32 in Nueces County as a Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives.

Todd Hunter for Representative

Todd A. Hunter was born in Bartlesville, Oklahoma on August 26, 1953. He attended the University of Kansas (1971-1975) and Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law (1975-1978). Hunter has practiced law since November 1978 in Corpus Christi. Todd and his wife, Alexis Taylor Hunter, have three children: Todd Jr., Michael, and Christina.

Hunter was originally elected to the House of Representatives in 1988 and served four terms. In 2008, Todd returned to the Texas House as the Representative for District 32 where he currently serves and was re-elected in 2020.

Rep. Todd Hunter is currently serving his eleventh term as a state representative after running for re-election in 2020. For the 87th Legislative Session, he was appointed as Chairman to the powerful Redistricting Committee. He also serves on State Affairs and International Relations and Economic Development Committee.

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