contact Tan Parker

Senator Tan Parker Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Senator Tan Parker, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Tan Parker
Position Senator
State Texas
Party Republican
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Contact senator Tan Parker
Nathaniel Willis "Tan" Parker IV, born on May 22, 1971, is a prominent figure in both business and Republican politics. Since 2023, he has been dedicated to public service as the representative for the 12th district in the Texas Senate.

Tan Parker for Senator

Tan Parker is a businessman, who grew up in North Texas working in his family’s restaurants while volunteering in his community. He married his college sweetheart, Beth, and they moved to Flower Mound, raising their daughters, Lauren and Ashley. While family comes first, Tan considers working for the betterment of Texas the highest honor of his professional life.

Previously serving in the Texas House, Tan held leading committee roles on policy matters vital to our state. His leadership was instrumental in the unanimous election by his colleagues as chair of the House Republican Caucus during the 84th and 85th legislative sessions.

Tan’s legislative success touches a broad range of issues facing Texans and serves as a reflection of open dialogue with his constituency. His legislative accomplishments represent his extensive work fostering Texas’ economic vitality and protecting our most vulnerable.

Tan graduated from the University of Dallas and earned a Master’s degree from the London School of Economics before building a distinguished private sector career in technology and private equity. He also created the book, Making Government Work.

The bedrock of his service is exemplified through passionate advocacy for community and fighting for common-sense, conservative policies that strengthen Texas’ prosperity.

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