contact Suleman Lalani

Representative Suleman Lalani Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Suleman Lalani, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Suleman Lalani
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Democratic
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Contact representative Suleman Lalani
Suleman Lalani is an American politician and medical doctor currently representing District 76 in the Texas House of Representatives. He is affiliated with the Democratic Party.

Suleman Lalani for Representative

Representative Suleman Lalani, M.D. has been in private practice in the Sugar Land and greater Houston area for over two decades. In the early 90s, he arrived in the United States from Pakistan to begin his medical career and has spent his career working to close the gap in access to healthcare through his medical practice and charitable endeavors.

Rep. Lalani completed his fellowship training at Baylor College of Medicine and has attended courses at Harvard Medical School and Columbia University College of Physicians. He is quadruple board certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, and Hospice and Palliative Medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine. The American Board of Post-Acute and Long-term Care has credentialed him as a Certified Medical Director. He is among a top credentialed elite group of physicians nationwide with these qualifications. He has been recognized by the National Register of Who’s Who for Excellence in Geriatric Medicine.

Rep. Lalani has served in leadership roles in professional, medical, faith, and nonprofit organizations. He has served as both an Ambassador to the United States Congress and as a board member for the Alzheimer’s Association. His interest in caring for his patients, especially the elderly, continually leads him toward researching solutions to the common problems that elder members of the community face.

Rep. Lalani believes strongly in philanthropy and volunteer service. He served four years as Chairman of the Regional Committee of the Aga Khan Foundation USA, which operates under a mandate to alleviate global poverty and improve the quality of life for all. He is also involved with raising awareness and funds for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and Alzheimer’s Association. Locally he serves on the board of the Fort Bend Rainbow Room. This resource room is stocked with emergency and transitional supplies meeting critical needs for Fort Bend County’s abused and neglected children and adults. He also serves as President of the Board of the Exchange Club of Fort Bend, America’s premier service club, working to make our communities better places to live.

In November 2022 Rep. Lalani was elected to represent House District 76 which encompasses parts of Fort Bend County Texas, including the cities of Sugar Land, Stafford, Richmond & Meadows Place, and was created during the 2021 Texas Redistricting process. Though his first term he was assigned to senior House Committees and serves on the Higher Education, Natural Resources, and Resolutions Calendars.

As a physician, Rep. Lalani, has been spent decades caring for Texans while earning a reputation a leader in philanthropy for the greater Houston area. As representative for House District 76 in Fort Bend County, a district mirroring the enormous diversity of Texas itself, he brings the same emphasis on caring for Texans and philanthropy to the state capitol. Healthcare and public health legislation are major priorities for Rep. Lalani. Other areas of focus include supporting Texas education and Texas educators at all levels, commonsense gun policies, accessibility and transparency in government, and responsible stewardship of our state’s natural resources.

Rep. Lalani is married and has three children. In his leisure time he enjoys reading, painting, playing racquetball, cycling, and traveling.

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