contact Stephanie Klick

Representative Stephanie Klick Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Stephanie Klick, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Stephanie Klick
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
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Contact representative Stephanie Klick
Representative Stephanie Klick is a native Texan and grew up in House District 91. After attending school in Birdville ISD and later at St. John the Apostle Catholic School, she was accepted to Texas Christian University. There she worked her way through college and earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

Stephanie Klick for Representative

Representative Stephanie Klick is a native Texan and grew up in House District 91. After attending school in Birdville ISD and later at St. John the Apostle Catholic School, she was accepted to Texas Christian University. There she worked her way through college and earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).

Representative Klick first developed her passion for nursing when she volunteered as a candy striper at North Hills Medical Center in North Richland Hills, formerly known as Glenview Hospital. After completing her BSN and receiving her nursing license, Stephanie returned to North Hills Medical Center where she worked as a nurse, eventually reaching the position of nursing supervisor. In time she would leave the Medical Center to become a nursing consultant. While serving as a consultant she coordinated the care of the catastrophically injured and served as a compliance consultant for long-term care facilities for those with developmental disabilities. Altogether, Rep. Klick has over 40 years of nursing experience.

Representative Klick served as Chair of the Tarrant County Republic Party for six years. In November 2012, she was elected to represent House District 91, comprised of Haltom City, Richland Hills, North Richland Hills, Watauga, and a portion of Fort Worth. Rep. Klick currently serves as Chair of the House Committee on Public Health, sits on the House Committees on Human Services and Health Care Reform, and serves as the Vice President of the Texas Conservative Coalition. She also serves on the Texas Supreme Court’s Children’s Commission, the Texas Secretary of State’s Elections Advisory Committee, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission’s Early Childhood Intervention Advisory Committee, and the Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute.

Stephanie has four grown children: a daughter and three sons. She and her husband, Don, have been married for 43 years and are proud grandparents of eleven grandchildren. Don is a real estate broker and owns and operates a real estate investment firm.

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