contact Rafael Anchía

Representative Rafael Anchía Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Rafael Anchía, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Rafael Anchía
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Democratic
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Contact representative Rafael Anchía
Rafael Michael Anchía, born on September 26, 1968, has been a dedicated Democratic member of the Texas House of Representatives since 2005, representing the 103rd District based in Dallas.

Rafael Anchía for Representative

State Representative Rafael Anchía is currently serving his tenth term in the Texas Legislature and represents a western corridor of Dallas County, which includes the cities of Dallas, Carrollton, Farmers Branch, and Irving. Rep. Anchía currently serves on the House Committees on State Affairs, Energy Resources, Redistricting, and House Administration.

Prior to serving in the Texas House, Rep. Anchía was twice elected to serve as a Trustee for the Dallas Independent School District. From 2011-2015, he served in President Barack Obama’s administration as an appointee to the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations, which advises the White House and U.S. Trade Representative on trade and investment agreements. Rep. Anchía served as Chairman of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus (MALC), the oldest and largest Latino caucus in the United States, from 2017-2022. Rep. Anchía graduated cum laude from Southern Methodist University (SMU); he continued his studies at Tulane Law School, where he served as Senior Fellow and received his juris doctor. He has dedicated his public service to fighting for civil rights, public education, protecting the environment, and improving access to healthcare for women and children. Rep. Anchía is a co-founder and Managing Director in the global investment firm, Civitas Capital Group; he also serves as Of Counsel at the largest law firm in Dallas, Haynes and Boone, where he represents financial institutions and public and private funds. Most importantly, he lives in beautiful North Oak Cliff with his partner Rebecca, is blessed with two exceptional daughters, and worships with the Catholic Campus Community at SMU.

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