contact Matt Schaefer

Representative Matt Schaefer Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Matt Schaefer, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Matt Schaefer
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
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Contact representative Matt Schaefer
Matthew R. Schaefer, born on February 11, 1976, is an American attorney and politician who currently serves as a Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives for the 6th district. Within the legislature, he is actively involved in the Licensing and Administrative Procedures committee as well as the Public Education committee.

Matt Schaefer for Representative

Matthew R. Schaefer, born on February 11, 1976, is an American attorney and politician who currently serves as a Republican member of the Texas House of Representatives for the 6th district. Within the legislature, he is actively involved in the Licensing and Administrative Procedures committee as well as the Public Education committee.

In the 2018 general election, Schaefer secured a fourth legislative term without Democratic opposition. His victory was resounding, defeating independent candidate Neal Katz with 75.6 percent of the votes to Katz’s 24.4 percent.

Schaefer’s academic journey led him through Cisco College in Texas, where he played football, and later to Texas Tech University in Lubbock, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in finance. Subsequently, he obtained a Juris Doctor from Texas Tech University School of Law.

His career trajectory includes service in a district office of U.S. Senator Phil Gramm in 1999. Following Gramm’s retirement, Schaefer joined the United States Navy Reserve, rising to the rank of lieutenant commander (O-4). He later served as counsel to the chairman of the Sunset Advisory Commission, state representative Carl Isett, focusing on bills related to insurance and transportation.

Matthew R. Schaefer entered the Texas House of Representatives in November 2012, successfully challenging incumbent representative Leo Berman in the primary election. He secured renomination in the March 2014 Republican primary.

In the aftermath of mass shootings in Texas in 2019, Schaefer expressed opposition to increased gun restrictions and advocated for prayer, discipline in the home, and the right to carry for law-abiding single mothers.

Notably, Schaefer supports a ban on Democrats holding committee chairmanships while Republicans maintain the majority in the Texas House. On May 27, 2023, he voted against the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton. In August 2023, Schaefer announced that he would not seek re-election in 2024.

In his personal life, Schaefer is affiliated with Green Acres Baptist Church, where he met his wife in 2001.

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