contact Ken King

Representative Ken King Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Ken King, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Ken King
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
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Contact representative Ken King
Ken King is currently serving his fifth term as State Representative for House District 88. His district includes 17 counties in the Panhandle and the South Plains of Texas.

Ken King for Representative

Ken King is currently serving his fifth term as State Representative for House District 88. His district includes 17 counties in the Panhandle and the South Plains of Texas. He currently serves as Chairman of the House Culture, Recreation and Tourism Committee and is a member of the House Public Education committee and the Energy Council. He also serves on the House Research Organization (HRO) Board of Directors. The HRO is an organization that provides unbiased information regarding each bill that is heard on the House floor. In addition to these committees, Ken is also a member of various caucuses in the House including: the Rural Caucus, the Republican Caucus, the Energy Caucus, the Texas Legislative Manufacturing Caucus and the Sportsman Caucus.

Prior to his election to the Texas House of Representatives, Ken served on the School Board for Canadian Independent School District for over five years presiding as President for half of that tenure. He was a board member of the Hemphill County Appraisal District’s Executive Board for four plus years and served as Chairman of that board for over three years. Also, he was President of the local YMCA Board and coached youth soccer and football.

Ken has been active in organizations related to his energy service businesses including: American Petroleum Institute, Panhandle Producers and Royalty Owners Association, Association of Energy Services Company, and the Independent Producers Association of America. Ken King is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, a member of the Texas State Rifle Association, a member of Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association as well as a member of the Texas Farm Bureau.

Ken was born and raised in Canadian, Texas. His wife, Robin, grew up in a neighboring town, Miami. Ken and Robin have two children who are in college. They are active members of the First United Methodist Church in Canadian and the KK-125 Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation.

Ken is President of Black Gold Pump and Supply Inc., in Canadian.

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