contact John Smithee

Representative John Smithee Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative John Smithee, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name John Smithee
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
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Contact representative John Smithee
Born on September 7, 1951, John T. Smithee is an American politician and attorney currently serving as a distinguished member of the Texas House of Representatives, representing the 86th district.

John Smithee for Representative

Born on September 7, 1951, John T. Smithee is an American politician and attorney currently serving as a distinguished member of the Texas House of Representatives, representing the 86th district. He embarked on his academic journey by earning a Bachelor of Business Administration from West Texas A&M University. Later, he furthered his education by obtaining a Juris Doctor from the Texas Tech University School of Law.

Following his graduation from law school, Smithee entered the professional realm as a successful businessman and attorney, showcasing his commitment to both law and commerce. His dedication to public service led to his election to the Texas House of Representatives in November 1984, and he officially assumed office in January 1985.

Throughout his legislative career, Smithee has demonstrated leadership and expertise, notably serving as the chair of the Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee during the 2017 legislative session.

On May 27, 2023, Smithee made a significant decision when he voted against the impeachment of Ken Paxton, showcasing his stance on a matter of critical importance within the Texas political landscape. This decision highlights Smithee’s role as a thoughtful and principled representative.

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