contact John Lujan

Representative John Lujan Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative John Lujan, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name John Lujan
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative John Lujan
Representative John Lujan was first elected in 2016 to represent House District 118 in the Texas House of Representatives. Representative Lujan was re-elected to serve southern Bexar County in November 2021.

John Lujan for Representative

Representative John Lujan was first elected in 2016 to represent House District 118 in the Texas House of Representatives. Representative Lujan was re-elected to serve southern Bexar County in November 2021. Lujan serves as the Vice Chair of Juvenile Justice and Family Issues Committee and as a member of the Transportation Committee. Previously, Lujan served on the Higher Education, Licensing & Administrative Procedures, and Health Care Reform Committees. Lujan also serves as a member of the Advisory Council on Cultural Affairs.

Representative Lujan was born in San Antonio where his mother was a local public-school principal and his father was a Southside minister. He learned from his parents at a young age the importance of serving others.

After graduating, Lujan served the San Antonio community for five years as a Deputy in the Bexar County Sheriff’s department before accepting a job with the San Antonio Fire Department, a position he held for over 25 years. While serving as a firefighter, he worked closely with elected officials at all levels of government to advocate for additional tools and training for first responders to help them better serve their communities. Today, Representative Lujan is a business owner who helped grow a small local IT firm into a thriving business that employees over 550 people in the HD 118 community.

John and his wife, Freda, have been married for 38 years and live on a small ranch in South San Antonio. They are proud parents of five boys, three of whom are adopted. Representative Lujan volunteers as a board member with Southside Cardinals Youth Sports League and is a Sunday School teacher at Southside Baptist Church, where his family attends church. In his free time, Lujan enjoys playing cornhole and spending time with family and friends.

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