contact Glenn Rogers

Representative Glenn Rogers Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Glenn Rogers, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Glenn Rogers
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
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Contact representative Glenn Rogers
Glenn Moss Rogers, born on January 24, 1956, is an American veterinarian, rancher, and dedicated politician. Serving since 2021, he represents the 60th District in the Texas House of Representatives. Affiliated with the Republican Party, Rogers also owns and operates the Holt River Ranch near Graford, Texas.

Glenn Rogers for Representative

Representative Glenn Rogers is a sixth generation Texas rancher, where his family has deep ranching roots in Palo Pinto County going back to the 1890s. Dr. Rogers was raised in Graham, TX, and attended Texas A&M University, where he majored in Animal Science before earning his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Texas A&M University in 1980. Upon graduation, Dr. Rogers went back home to begin operating the family ranch and start his local veterinary practice.

Dr. Rogers practiced for 11 years in Graham and Graford, TX, where he owned and operated two rural, mixed practices. In 1993, he left private practice to receive a post graduate degree from Kansas State University, focusing on beef production medicine. From 1993 to 2000, he was a faculty member at North Carolina State University, where he was a tenured associate professor in ruminant production medicine. After returning to Texas in the early 2000s, Dr. Rogers worked as a technical consultant in the animal health industry. Dr. Rogers owns and operates Holt River Ranch, near Graford, where he develops and markets Red Angus heifers and manages several other ranch-related enterprises.

Throughout his life, Dr. Rogers has been actively involved in his community and church. He has served on the Graford school board, as President of the Palo Pinto County Farm Bureau, and served on numerous church and community committees. Dr. Rogers was a Director of the Texas Veterinary Medical Association for 10 years and served for three years as President of the West Cross Timbers Veterinary Medical Association.

Dr. Rogers has been a national leader in organized veterinary medicine and the recipient of several awards and honors, including President of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP), AABP Distinguished Service Award, Chair of the AABP Foundation, Consultant of the Year from the Academy of Veterinary Consultants, 2017 Texas Conservation Rancher of the Year, and a 2020 Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine Distinguished Alumni Award recipient.

During the 88th Legislative Session, Dr. Rogers was appointed to serve as a member of the House Committees on Natural Resources, Land and Resource Management (Vice-Chair), and Local and Consent Calendars. He also served on the Republican Caucus Policy Committee, Texas Conservative Coalition, and as a member of the Rural Caucus. Representative Rogers consistently supports rural, conservative values. He is a strong supporter of legislation enhancing our Second Amendment rights, pro-life and pro-family values, property tax reduction, access to healthcare, public education, and job creation Dr. Rogers lives on his ranch on the banks of the Brazos River south of Graford with his wife, Mandy, who is also a veterinarian. They have four children: Meg, Ginny, Ben, and Leah and five grandchildren. He is a long time, active member of the Methodist church.

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