contact Erin Zwiener

Representative Erin Zwiener Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Erin Zwiener, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Erin Zwiener
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Erin Zwiener
Erin Alisa Zwiener, born on September 22, 1985, is an accomplished American author and politician. She proudly serves as a Democratic member of the Texas House of Representatives, representing District 45.

Erin Zwiener for Representative

Erin Zwiener is an author, educator, and conservationist who is currently serving her third term in the Texas House of Representatives. She’s committed to fighting for our Texas values of healthy communities, inclusivity, and common-sense government.

Rep. Zwiener serves on the House Committees on Natural Resources, House Administration, and Energy Resources. She is a member of the House Democratic Caucus, LGBTQ Caucus, Criminal Justice Reform Caucus, Women’s Health Caucus, Texas Water Caucus, and IT Caucus. In January of 2021, Rep. Zwiener established Texas Energy and Climate Caucus and currently serves as its Chair.

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Conservation, a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, and is a three-time Jeopardy! champion. She lives in Driftwood with her husband Quincy, daughter Lark, a dog, three horses, a pony, a pig, and too many chickens.

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