contact Claudia Ordaz

Representative Claudia Ordaz Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Claudia Ordaz, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Claudia Ordaz
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Claudia Ordaz
Claudia Ordaz represents Texas’s House District 79 in El Paso’s northeast and eastside, which includes the El Paso International Airport and Fort Bliss, the country’s largest installation in the U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM).

Claudia Ordaz for Representative

Claudia Ordaz represents Texas’s House District 79 in El Paso’s northeast and eastside, which includes the El Paso International Airport and Fort Bliss, the country’s largest installation in the U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM).

She was first elected to the Texas House in 2020. During her first legislative session, Representative Ordaz served on the committees of Business & Industry and International Relations & Economic Development. During her first legislative session she was successful in passing legislation that secured over $500 million to help small businesses for COVID relief. She was named “Freshman Legislator” of the year by the Tejano Democrats for her work in fighting for voting rights. She was also recognized with the “Legislative Star” award for her legislation that provides family leave benefits for state employees.

She is the former Mayor Pro Tempore and City Councilwoman for the City of El Paso, where she was a fierce advocate for working parents and family caregivers. She was successful in creating local policies impacting living wages for workers, local park enhancements for children, funding for new infrastructure for municipal police and fire departments, local animal shelter improvements, and promoting investment opportunities to expand job growth in the Borderplex region.

Prior to her public service in the City of El Paso, Claudia served as a legislative staffer and communications director in the Texas Senate during the 81st legislative session. She also served as Press Secretary in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Claudia is a proud graduate of local public schools and the University of Texas at El Paso, where she served as President of the University Democrats. She is a proud homeowner in El Paso’s eastside and a parishioner at St. Raphael’s Catholic Church.

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