contact Charlie Geren

Representative Charlie Geren Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Charlie Geren, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Charlie Geren
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
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Contact representative Charlie Geren
Charles L. Geren, born on October 22, 1949, is an American businessman and a member of the Republican Party, currently serving in the Texas House of Representatives. He represents District 99.

Charlie Geren for Representative

Charlie Geren was elected to the Texas House of Representatives in November 2000. Currently, Geren serves as Chairman of the Local and Consent Calendars Committee, and he is also a member of the Licensing and Administrative Procedures and Energy Resources Committees.

Following the 82nd Legislative Session, Geren was named by Texas Monthly magazine as one of the “Top 10 Texas Legislators,” an honor he was also bestowed in 2005. Geren was one of only a handful of members honored with the Champion for Free Enterprise award by the Texas Association of Business. His work on behalf of Texas business has also earned him the Guardian of Small Business and Most Valuable Player awards from the National Federation of Independent Business/Texas, as well as entry into the Texas Realtors Association’s Hall of Fame. Geren has been named a Texas Classroom Teachers Association Legislative Star. The Texas Farm Bureau has named Geren a Star for Rural Texas in acknowledgment of his work on property rights and water resource issues, and recently made him the inaugural recipient of their True Agricultural Champion Award. He has been awarded the Directors Award from Texas Parks & Wildlife’s Law Enforcement Division.

Prior to his service in the Texas House of Representatives, Geren took an active role in local and statewide water policy and planning. He served on the Texas Water Development Board from 1994 to 2000 and was Chairman of the Texas Resource Finance Authority for five of those years. Additionally, he was an elected member of the Tarrant Regional Water District Board of Directors, serving from 1990 to 1994. Geren also serves the State Preservation Board.

Geren is an active community leader and has served on the boards of the Ronald McDonald House, Fort Worth Zoo, Lena Pope Home, and Junior Achievement. He is a trustee of Texas Christian University and is Vice President of the Southwestern Exposition & Livestock Show. From 1981 to 1990 he was a Deputy to the United States Marshals Service. He was also a principal and founding partner of the commercial real estate firm of Kelly, Geren, & Searcy.

Geren is a proud grandparent who lives and ranches in the Fort Worth area. He is president of Railhead Smokehouse as well as the LGS Godley Ranch.

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