contact Caroline Harris

Representative Caroline Harris Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Caroline Harris, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Caroline Harris
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Caroline Harris
Representative Caroline Harris proudly serves Texans in House District Fifty-Two. Born and raised in Round Rock, Caroline is a lifelong Texan who understands and champions conservative values.

Caroline Harris for Representative

Representative Caroline Harris proudly serves Texans in House District Fifty-Two. Born and raised in Round Rock, Caroline is a lifelong Texan who understands and champions conservative values.

Elected at only 28 years old, Caroline is the youngest Republican woman ever to be elected to the Texas House of Representatives. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from Thomas Edison State College and a Masters Degree in Public Affairs from the LBJ School at the University of Texas at Austin.

In her first session as a State Representative, she was named the GOP Freshman Legislator of the Year and was recognized by the NFIB for scoring 100% on her voting record for supporting legislation that significantly helps small businesses. Along with these accolades, she sent a total of 13 bills to Governor Abbott’s desk and successfully passed into law SB 490, which furthers medical transparency and requires medical providers to issue itemized statement of billing to all patients.

Prior to public office, Caroline served as Policy Advisor for Senator Bryan Hughes both in the Texas House and Senate, working for over seven years on the issues important to our great state. This includes top legislation passed during the 87th Legislative Session such as: the Heartbeat Bill, the Election Integrity Bill, and First Amendment legislation with the Big Tech Censorship Act. Caroline is passionate about bringing people together and ensuring that the American Dream and the Texas Miracle are kept alive and well for future generations.

House District Fifty-Two lies in the heart of Texas, contained entirely in Williamson County, covering almost the entire East side as well as a stretch of the West side.

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