contact Brad Buckley

Representative Brad Buckley Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Brad Buckley, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Brad Buckley
Position Representative
State Texas
Party Republican
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Contact representative Brad Buckley
State Representative Brad Buckley is currently serving his third term in the Texas House of Representatives and represents House District 54, which includes half of Bell County in Central Texas. He was first elected to the Texas House in November of 2018 and was the Texas House Republican Caucus's Freshman of the Year in the 86th legislature.

Brad Buckley for Representative

State Representative Brad Buckley is currently serving his third term in the Texas House of Representatives and represents House District 54, which includes half of Bell County in Central Texas. He was first elected to the Texas House in November of 2018 and was the Texas House Republican Caucus’s Freshman of the Year in the 86th legislature. He is the Chairman of the House Public Education committee and is honored to lead on important policy that affects professional educators, the 5.5 million school children in Texas, and their families. He also serves on the House Land and Resource Management Committee.

A native Texan, Buckley was born and raised in rural Bell County and is a product of Killeen ISD schools. He is a proud Texas Aggie, and received his bachelor’s degree in 1989 and his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine in 1993. After graduating, he returned to his hometown of Killeen to open his veterinary practice and has been serving his community and their pets since 1994. He has served on the school board for the Killeen Independent School District and is a past Chair of the Greater Killeen Chamber of Commerce, former board member for Peaceable Kingdom Retreat for Children, and currently serves as vice-chair of 14Forward, an economic development initiative to bring greater economic impact to the Greater Fort Hood area.

He is the proud husband of Dr. Susan Buckley, who is a career educator and currently serves as Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Schools in the Killeen Independent School District, and proud father of Emily, Erin, and Bo, all of whom are also Aggies. The Buckleys are also grandparents to the best little cowboy in Texas, Leo Bradley, who is two years old. Representative Buckley and Susan live on their ranch in Salado, where they maintain a cow-calf operation and raise and train western performance horses.

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