contact Patricia Serpa

Representative Patricia Serpa Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Patricia Serpa, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Patricia Serpa
Position Representative
State Rhode Island
Party Democratic
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Contact representative Patricia Serpa
Patricia A. Serpa (D) has represented District 27 in West Warwick, Coventry and Warwick since first being elected in 2006. She is the chair of the House Oversight Committee, second vice chair of the House Rules Committee, and a member of the House Conduct Committee and House Corporations Committee.

Patricia Serpa for Representative

Patricia A. Serpa (D) has represented District 27 in West Warwick, Coventry and Warwick since first being elected in 2006. She is the chair of the House Oversight Committee, second vice chair of the House Rules Committee, and a member of the House Conduct Committee and House Corporations Committee.

As chairwoman of the Committee on Oversight since May 2016, Representative Serpa has continuously investigated several prominent failures within multiple state agencies, including the botched rollout of the Unified Health Infrastructure (UHIP) project. Under Representative Serpa’s leadership, the committee has heard testimony on the UHIP computer system failures from public officials, nursing home and child care administrators, and constituents affected by the rollout.

In 2022, she led several meetings investigating the current state of Rhode Island’s behavioral health system. She has also led the charge for answers on topics of public importance such as the deaths and near-deaths of several children under the care of the Department of Children, Youth and Families in the wake of a report by the child advocate.

Representative Serpa’s probe of the Division of Taxation, which revealed rampant delays in tax refunds in 2016, led to sweeping changes in the Department of Revenue to rectify the problem the following year.

The committee’s investigation of the Blackstone Valley Youth and Family Collaborative led to DCYF cutting off ties with the organization. The report uncovered drug and alcohol abuse and violence by residents, the use of banned aversion therapy, and that the cooperative neglected to monitor residents and provided false documents.

Her work on the committee led her to sponsor legislation during the 2023 session to create a commission to make a comprehensive study and provide recommendations for changes to the merit system of the Department of Human Services and DCYF. She currently serves as chairwoman of that commission.

In 2022, Representative Serpa sponsored a new law that overhauls and reforms the state’s purchasing policies and processes. In 2021, she sponsored a law to give compensation to innocent people who have spent time behind bars but were later released when new evidence shows they were not guilty. She also sponsored a new law that prohibits the use of a school district’s listserv to distribute any political advertisement, invitation, and/or propaganda.

In 2020, she sponsored a law that prohibits the manufacturing, transfer, purchase or possessing of any plastic, fiberglass or 3-D printed gun, as well as “ghost guns,” untraceable guns and undetectable guns.

In 2017, Representative Serpa successfully sponsored legislation that mandates insurance coverage for medically necessary fertility services when a medical treatment may cause iatrogenic infertility.

Representative Serpa spent six years on the West Warwick School Committee, from 2000 to 2006. She is an associate member of the West Warwick Democratic Town Committee and is involved with the Sons of Italy, Vince Lombardi Lodge, Defenders of Animals and the West Warwick Lions Club.

A retired public school educator and admissions officer, she holds a master’s degree in education from Providence College after earning her bachelor’s degree in the same study at Mount St. Joseph College. She lives in West Warwick.

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