contact Anthony DeLuca

Senator Anthony DeLuca Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Senator Anthony DeLuca, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Anthony DeLuca
Position Senator
State Rhode Island
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact senator Anthony DeLuca
Anthony P. DeLuca II is a Republican representing District 29 (Warwick) in the Rhode Island Senate.

Anthony DeLuca for Senator

Anthony P. DeLuca II is a Republican representing District 29 (Warwick) in the Rhode Island Senate.

Elected to the Senate on November 8, 2022, Sen. DeLuca is a lifelong resident of Warwick. He served as an East Greenwich firefighter for over 10 years and then was recruited by Med Tech Ambulance for a number of years. He has been a licensed EMT in the State of Rhode Island for almost 20 years and is currently employed with the City of Warwick Water Department.

Sen. DeLuca was born on January 29, 1982. He is a graduate of St. Kevin’s School and Warwick Veterans Memorial High School. He resides in Warwick and has three children. His son Tony attends Pilgrim High School, his daughter Catherine attends Warwick Veterans Memorial Middle School, and his daughter Emily attends St. Kevin’s School.

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