contact Alex Marszalkowski

Representative Alex Marszalkowski Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Alex Marszalkowski, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Alex Marszalkowski
Position Representative
State Rhode Island
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Alex Marszalkowski
Rep. Alex D. Marszalkowski (D-Dist. 52, Cumberland) was first elected to the House of Representatives in November 2016. He was chosen as a Deputy Majority Leader in January 2019.

Alex Marszalkowski for Representative

Rep. Alex D. Marszalkowski (D-Dist. 52, Cumberland) was first elected to the House of Representatives in November 2016. He was chosen as a Deputy Majority Leader in January 2019. He is the second vice chair of the House Finance Committee and is the chair of its Subcommittee on General Government. He is also a member of the House Rules Committee.

During the 2023 legislative session, Representative Marszalkowski introduced legislation which would exempt crime victims seeking restitution from having to pay certain court fees. He also cosponsored a bill which allows the waiver of interest on overdue taxes for commercial properties and another bill which would provide data privacy protections for the personal identifiable information of Rhode Islanders.

In 2022, Representative Marszalkowski was the cosponsor of a new law which closes a loophole​ that allowed those in positions of authority to engage in sexual relations with children. He was also a cosponsor of another new law which bans toxic chemicals from food packaging. PFAS chemicals are used as grease-proofing agents in fast-food wrappers, microwave popcorn bags, take-out paperboard containers, and pet food bags to prevent oil and grease from foods from leaking through the packaging.​​

Representative Marszalkowski is a partner and the general manager of Adams Farm in Cumberland. He graduated from Mount St. Charles Academy in 2005. He earned a bachelor’s degree in history and psychology from Roger Williams University before graduating from the Roger Williams University School of Law in 2012. Representative Marszalkowski is licensed to practice law in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.​​

Representative Marszalkowski previously sat on the Cumberland Conservation Commission and the Public Safety Siting Committee. He was born on February 22, 1987.

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