contact Kenneth Walsh

Representative Kenneth Walsh Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Kenneth Walsh, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Kenneth Walsh
Position Representative
State Montana
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Kenneth Walsh
Kenneth Walsh is a member of the Democratic Party and represents District 66 in the Montana House of Representatives. He assumed office on January 2, 2023, and his current term ends on January 6, 2025.

Kenneth Walsh for Representative

Kenneth M. Walsh is an American politician who is currently serving as a member of the Montana House of Representatives from the 71st district. He was born in 1954 in Stockton, California. Walsh earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Montana State University. Before entering politics, he had a diverse career.

Kenneth M. Walsh was the CEO of Ruby Valley Bank and also managed the Northern International Livestock Exposition and Rodeo. Walsh was elected to the Montana House of Representatives in November 2020 and assumed office on January 4, 2021. He lives in Twin Bridges, Montana. His electoral history includes winning the 2020 Montana State House District 71 Republican primary with 75.69% of the votes and the general election with 74.40% of the votes. In 2022, he won the Republican primary and the general election for the same district with 100% of the votes.

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