contact Gregory Frazer

Representative Gregory Frazer Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Gregory Frazer, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Gregory Frazer
Position Representative
State Montana
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Gregory Frazer
Gregory L. Frazer is an American politician who is currently serving as a member of the Montana House of Representatives from the 78th district. Frazer was elected in November 2020 and assumed office on January 4, 2021, succeeding Gordon Pierson.

Gregory Frazer for Representative

Gregory L. Frazer is an American politician who is currently serving as a member of the Montana House of Representatives from the 78th district. He was born in 1983 in Clovis, New Mexico. After graduating from high school, Frazer joined the United States Army Reserve, serving from 2000 to 2008. He has since worked as a corrections officer for the Montana State Prison.

Frazer was elected to the Montana House of Representatives in November 2020 and assumed office on January 4, 2021, succeeding Gordon Pierson. He is a member of the Republican Party and resides in Deer Lodge, Montana. He is a father to three children. His current term ends on January 6, 2025.

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