contact Emma Kerr-Carpenter

Representative Emma Kerr-Carpenter Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Emma Kerr-Carpenter, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Emma Kerr-Carpenter
Position Representative
State Montana
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Emma Kerr-Carpenter
Emma Kerr-Carpenter is an American politician who, as of 2023, serves in the Montana House of Representatives representing the 47th district. Prior to her election to the Montana state house in 2022, Baum was a detective with the Billings, Montana police department.

Emma Kerr-Carpenter for Representative

Emma Kerr-Carpenter is an American politician serving as a member of the Montana House of Representatives from the 49th district. She was appointed to the House on July 10, 2018, succeeding Kelly McCarthy. Born in Watertown, New York, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in international relations and religion from Boston University. After graduating from college, Kerr-Carpenter taught English in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. She then relocated to Billings, Montana, where she became a family support specialist for the Family Support Network.

Emma Kerr-Carpenter joined Youth Dynamics of Montana in 2015 as a youth case manager and has since worked as the organization’s marketing and education coordinator. In 2018, when incumbent representative Kelly McCarthy announced that he was moving to Australia, Kerr-Carpenter was appointed to fill his vacant seat in the Montana House of Representatives. She won a full term in November 2018 and was re-elected in 2020. Kerr-Carpenter lives in Billings, Montana with her husband, Dan.

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