contact Casey Knudsen

Representative Casey Knudsen Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Casey Knudsen, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Casey Knudsen
Position Representative
State Montana
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Casey Knudsen
Casey James Knudsen was born on November 9, 1990, in Havre, Montana, U.S. He is an American politician who has served in the Montana House of Representatives from the 33rd district since 2017. Knudsen is a member of the Republican Party.

Casey Knudsen for Representative

Casey James Knudsen was born on November 9, 1990, in Havre, Montana, U.S. He is an American politician who has served in the Montana House of Representatives from the 33rd district since 2017.

Knudsen is from Malta, Montana and graduated from Malta High School in 2009. He earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering technology with a minor in aerospace engineering from Montana State University in 2014. After earning his degree, Knudsen returned to Malta to work on his family ranch. He also owns an engineering design company.

He served as the Speaker pro tempore of the Montana House of Representatives from January 4, 2021, to January 2, 2023. He was preceded by Wylie Galt and succeeded by Rhonda Knudsen in this role.

Knudsen is a member of the Republican Party. His current term in the Montana House of Representatives ends on January 6, 2025.

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