contact Willard Haley

Representative Willard Haley Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Willard Haley, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Willard Haley
Position Representative
State Missouri
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Willard Haley
Representative Willard Haley, a Republican, represents District 58, which consists of Morgan and Moniteau counties and a small portion of Cooper County, in the Missouri House of Representatives. He was elected to his first term in the general election of November 2020.

Willard Haley for Representative

Representative Willard Haley, a Republican, represents District 58, which consists of Morgan and Moniteau counties and a small portion of Cooper County, in the Missouri House of Representatives. He was elected to his first term in the general election of November 2020.

In addition to his legislative duties, Haley is a farmer and former educator, serving as a career and technical school administrator, as well as an agriculture teacher and FFA advisor.

Haley is a graduate of Pilot Grove High School and received his Bachelors of Science in Agriculture and Masters in Practical Arts and Vocational and Technical Education at the University of Missouri.

Haley has been honored as an Eldon Distinguished Citizen of the Year and Teacher of the Year, and has served as president of the Eldon Chamber of Commerce and the Miller County Fairboard.

Born in Boonville, Missouri, Haley currently resides in Eldon with his wife, Jerri Haley. They attend Eldon United Methodist Church. They have two children, Jeremy Haley and his wife, Meredith, of Columbia and Jana Flynn and her husband, Kelsey, of Troy. They also have four grandchildren.

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