contact Sherri Gallick

Representative Sherri Gallick Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Sherri Gallick, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Sherri Gallick
Position Representative
State Missouri
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Sherri Gallick
Representative Sherri Gallick is responsible for portions of Cass and Bates counties (District 62) in the Missouri House of Representatives. She was elected to her first two-year term in November 2022.

Sherri Gallick for Representative

Representative Sherri Gallick is responsible for portions of Cass and Bates counties (District 62) in the Missouri House of Representatives. She was elected to her first two-year term in November 2022.

Gallick went to the University of Missouri. She holds a BS in Education and her MBA. She continues to be active with her alma mater, serving on executive boards for 15+ years, and as president of the MIZZOU Alumni Association in 2015. She is a committed community leader and volunteers for a variety of nonprofits. She is currently a Court Appointed Special Advocate with CASA and serves on the board at CASCO, a workshop for the developmentally disabled.

Prior to serving in the legislature, Gallick was an executive in the food industry with companies such as Jimmy Dean Foods. Her business expertise served her well during her first year in the Missouri House. She was named the 2023 Freshman of the Year by the Missouri Chamber of Commerce for her business insight and economic development experience.

Gallick is married. She and her husband, Randy, reside in Cass County. They have two sons, one a master trainer in the Indiana Army National Guard and the other an attorney in Miami, Florida.

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