contact Scott Cupps

Representative Scott Cupps Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Scott Cupps, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Scott Cupps
Position Representative
State Missouri
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Scott Cupps
Scott Cupps, a native of Shell Knob, Missouri, is an American politician who currently serves as a member of the Missouri House of Representatives, representing the 158th district. His political journey began with his election in November 2019, and he officially assumed office on January 5, 2020.

Scott Cupps for Representative

Scott Cupps, a native of Shell Knob, Missouri, is an American politician who currently serves as a member of the Missouri House of Representatives, representing the 158th district. His political journey began with his election in November 2019, and he officially assumed office on January 5, 2020.

Before entering the realm of politics, Cupps owned and operated a farm, bringing valuable real-world experience to his legislative role. In 2019, he won a special election for the Missouri House of Representatives following Scott Fitzpatrick’s resignation, who had stepped down to take on the role of the 47th treasurer of Missouri.

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