contact Mike Haffner

Representative Mike Haffner Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Mike Haffner, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Mike Haffner
Position Representative
State Missouri
Party Republican
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Contact representative Mike Haffner
Representative Mike Haffner, a Republican, represents Cass County (District 55) in the Missouri House of Representatives. He was elected to his first two-year term in November 2018.

Mike Haffner for Representative

Representative Mike Haffner, a Republican, represents Cass County (District 55) in the Missouri House of Representatives. He was elected to his first two-year term in November 2018.

In addition to his legislative duties, Haffner owns and operates a Christmas Tree Farm.

Haffner served as an officer in the United States Navy. Before retiring he was the Commanding Officer of an F/A-18 Hornet Squadron and led combat air patrols over New York City immediately following 9-11. During his Commanding Officer tour, his squadron was recognized by all of Naval Aviation with the prestigious Admiral Wade McClusky award as the best attack squadron in the United States Navy, and with the Battle “E” award as the best F/A 18 Hornet squadron on the east coast.

As a highly decorated Naval Officer, Haffner was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, four individual Air Medals, five Strike Flight Air Medals, and three Navy Commendation Medals for bold initiative, uncommon valor and loyal devotion to duty in direct combat.

His other awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, four Navy Commendation Medals (seven total awards, three with Combat “V”), Navy Achievement Medal, as well as numerous other unit, expeditionary and individual awards.

Haffner earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting from Cleveland State University and a master’s degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College.

Haffner is a lifetime member of the VFW, a member of the NRA, and an elder on sabbatical at Cornerstone Community Church in Harrisonville.

He and his wife, Teresa, reside in Pleasant Hill and have three children, two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren.

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