contact Lauren Arthur

Senator Lauren Arthur Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Senator Lauren Arthur, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Lauren Arthur
Position Senator
State Missouri
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact senator Lauren Arthur
Senator Lauren Arthur was elected to represent the constituents of the 17th Senatorial District in the Missouri Senate during a special election on June 5, 2018. She was reelected in 2020.

Lauren Arthur for Senator

Senator Lauren Arthur was elected to represent the constituents of the 17th Senatorial District in the Missouri Senate during a special election on June 5, 2018. She was reelected in 2020.

Prior to her time in the Missouri Senate, Sen. Arthur served four years in the Missouri House of Representatives, where she served as the ranking minority member on the Health and Mental Health Policy Committee, while also serving on the Administration and Accounts and General Laws Committees. During her tenure, Sen. Arthur also served on the Interim Committee on Stabilizing Missouri’s Health Insurance Markets as well as the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia.

Senator Arthur grew up in the Northland. After graduating from North Kansas City High School’s Baccalaureate program, Sen. Arthur received a scholarship to Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts.During her time at Smith, Sen. Arthur interned at the Smithsonian’s American History Museum and the Scottish Parliament. She graduated magna cum laude with a degree in history and as a member of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa Society.

Senator Arthur returned home to Kansas City to join Teach for America. She worked as a middle school teacher. She taught English and Language Arts at Urban Community Leadership Academy, a charter school in the urban core. During that time, Sen. Arthur earned her Masters in Education from the University of Missouri – St. Louis. She also worked as a Project Manager at VML, a global advertising agency headquartered in Kansas City. Sen. Arthur has also previously served as the Regional Director for Urban Leaders Fellowship, a program designed for early to mid-career level professionals who are looking to accelerate their leadership abilities through a seven-week fellowship with a focus on policy and practice.

Currently, she serves on the governing board of University Health (formerly Truman Medical Centers), which provides quality health care to the Kansas City community.

Senator Arthur currently lives in Kansas City, MO. She enjoys spending time with her husband, Russell, and their dog, Odie.

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