contact Kurtis Gregory

Representative Kurtis Gregory Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Kurtis Gregory, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Kurtis Gregory
Position Representative
State Missouri
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Kurtis Gregory
Representative Kurtis Gregory, a Republican, represents Johnson, Pettis, and Saline counties (District 51). He was elected to his first two-year term in November 2020.

Kurtis Gregory for Representative

Representative Kurtis Gregory, a Republican, represents Johnson, Pettis, and Saline counties (District 51). He was elected to his first two-year term in November 2020.

Gregory owns a farm alongside his wife, Kella and his parents, Roger and Ruth. Together, they farm corn and soybeans on 1,100 acres and custom feed 2.400 pigs for a local family-owned hog operation. Gregory also had a short stint in the NFL with the Carolina Panthers.

Gregory has served on the board of directors for Missouri Corn Growers, and is a local delegate for MFA Oil. Gregory is also a member of the Saline County Farm Bureau, Missouri Corn Growers Association and Missouri Cattlemen’s.

Gregory is a graduate of Santa Fe R-10 High School and earned his bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in General Agriculture from the University of Missouri while also playing football from 2005-2009, serving as team captain in 2009.

Born in Blackburn, Missouri, Gregory currently resides in Marshall with his wife, Kella, and three children, Brook and Landon Borchers, and Henley Gregory, where they attend Calvary Baptist Church and are active in the local Pachyderm Club.

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