contact Thomas Kuhn

Representative Thomas Kuhn Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Thomas Kuhn, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Thomas Kuhn
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact senator Thomas Kuhn State Rep. Thomas Kuhn was first elected to serve the 35th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2020.Rep. Thomas Kuhn represents the 34th House District, which covers most of Lenawee County.
Representative Tom Kuhn secured his first election to the House of Representatives in November 2022. His constituency is the 57th House District, spanning Macomb and Oakland counties and encompassing sections of Sterling Heights, Troy, and Madison Heights.

Thomas Kuhn for Representative

Representative Tom Kuhn secured his first election to the House of Representatives in November 2022. His constituency is the 57th House District, spanning Macomb and Oakland counties and encompassing sections of Sterling Heights, Troy, and Madison Heights.

Committee Assignments

Within the House, Tom plays a crucial role as a member of the House Appropriations committee. Additionally, he holds the position of Republican vice chair on the Higher Education and Community Colleges Appropriations subcommittee and serves as a member on the Health and Human Services and General Government Appropriations subcommittees.

Educational Background

Tom is an alumnus of the University of Michigan, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in political science. He continued his academic journey at the University of Toronto, obtaining both a master’s degree and a doctorate in political science. Subsequently, Tom pursued law at the Detroit College of Law, now known as the Michigan State University College of Law.

Professional Experience

With over 35 years of legal practice, Tom has established himself as a seasoned professional. His public service includes a 12-year tenure on the Royal Oak City Commission and an additional 12 years on the Oakland Community College Board of Trustees, where he served two years as Board Chair. More recently, he represented residents of Troy, Rochester Hills, and Auburn Hills as an Oakland County commissioner for four years.

Personal Life

Tom resides in Troy with his wife, Sherry, who holds a doctorate in education and enjoyed a career spanning over 25 years as a special education teacher in Macomb County. The Kuhns celebrate 28 years of marriage and are proud parents of three children and grandparents to four grandchildren.

Community Engagement

Beyond his governmental roles, Tom actively engages in community service. He dedicated many years to coaching youth sports and contributed to the board of a youth baseball organization. Tom served as Lakes chair of the Emerald Lakes Village Homeowners Association, where he was a board member for a decade.

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