contact Mike Harris

Representative Mike Harris Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Mike Harris, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Mike Harris
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Republican
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Contact senator Mike Harris State Rep. Mike Harris was first elected to serve the 35th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2020.Rep. Mike Harris represents the 34th House District, which covers most of Lenawee County.
State Representative Mike Harris, elected in May 2022, serves the 52nd District, encompassing part of Oakland County, including the cities of Lake Angelus and Clarkston, Independence Township, and portions of Springfield and Waterford townships.

Mike Harris for Representative

State Representative Mike Harris, elected in May 2022, serves the 52nd District, encompassing part of Oakland County, including the cities of Lake Angelus and Clarkston, Independence Township, and portions of Springfield and Waterford townships.

Committee Involvement

Rep. Harris holds significant roles in legislative committees, serving as the Republican vice chair on the House Insurance and Financial Service Committee. Additionally, he is a member of the Ethics and Oversight Committee and the Criminal Justice Committee. Furthermore, Rep. Harris assumes the crucial position of House Republican whip.

Educational and Professional Background

Rep. Harris pursued his education at Mott Community College, majoring in criminal justice, and subsequently attended the police academy at Delta College. Before entering the political arena, he dedicated 26 years to law enforcement, with 25 of those years spent at the Waterford Township Police Department.

Public Office and Affiliations

His commitment to public service extends to his roles as the local union president for the Patrol Officer’s Association and later the Command Officer’s Association. Rep. Harris also served on the Executive Board of the Michigan Association of Police and the Waterford Coalition for Youth. He is actively involved in various organizations, including the Sons of the American Legion, the Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners (Member & Instructor), Clarkston Chamber & Waterford Chamber, and Clarkston Rotary.

Personal Life

Rep. Harris, married to his wife Jennifer for 9 years, resides in Waterford. They are proud parents of six children. During his leisure time, he enjoys travel, boating on Lake Oakland, golfing, and participating in shooting sports. His diverse experiences in law enforcement and active involvement in community organizations reflect his dedication to public service and community well-being.

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