contact Matt Maddock

Representative Matt Maddock Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Matt Maddock, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Matt Maddock
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact senator Matt Maddock State Rep. Matt Maddock was first elected to serve the 35th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2020.Rep. Matt Maddock represents the 34th House District, which covers most of Lenawee County.
Rep. Matt Maddock has represented the Milford area in the Michigan House of Representatives since 2019. He represents the 51st House District, which includes Highland Township, Milford, Milford Township, White Lake, White Lake Township, and portions of Commerce and Springfield townships in Oakland County.

Matt Maddock for Representative

District Rep. Matt Maddock has represented the Milford area in the Michigan House of Representatives since 2019. He represents the 51st House District, which includes Highland Township, Milford, Milford Township, White Lake, White Lake Township, and portions of Commerce and Springfield townships in Oakland County.

Committees Matt serves as a member on the House Housing Subcommittee.

Working for you

As a conservative Republican, Matt does not stray from the party’s core principles. His priorities include lowering the cost of energy and cutting taxes to make Michigan more competitive for jobs.


Matt is a lifelong Oakland County resident. He grew up in West Bloomfield and attended Orchard Lake St. Mary’s.

Professional Matt has been a small-business owner for more than 27 years. He is the president of A-1 Bail Bonds, Michigan’s largest bail agency and has employed more than 60 people. Matt is also a licensed private detective.

Personal Matt and Meshawn, his wife of more than 20 years, have three children, Gunther, Winsome, and Parker. They live in Milford and belong to Cornerstone Church in Highland, where Matt drives a church bus for the Ignited teen and youth ministry.

Matt is a member of the Oakland County Republican Party, the North Oakland Republican Club, the NRA, Gun Owners of America and the National Association for Gun Rights. He is a past board member of Citizens for Traditional Values and past president of the Michigan Professional Bail Agents Association.

In his spare time, Matt enjoys pheasant and small game hunting, brook trout fishing, boating and snowmobiling. He is also a beekeeper and an avid backyard barn engineer.

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