contact Mark Tisdel

Representative Mark Tisdel Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Mark Tisdel, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Mark Tisdel
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Republican
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Contact senator Mark Tisdel State Rep. Mark Tisdel was first elected to serve the 35th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2020.Rep. Mark Tisdel represents the 34th House District, which covers most of Lenawee County.
Representative Mark Tisdel has been a dedicated advocate for Greater Rochester in the Michigan House of Representatives since 2021. He proudly represents the 55th House District, which encompasses the cities of Rochester and Rochester Hills, as well as a portion of Oakland Township.

Mark Tisdel for Representative

Representative Mark Tisdel has been a dedicated advocate for Greater Rochester in the Michigan House of Representatives since 2021. He proudly represents the 55th House District, which encompasses the cities of Rochester and Rochester Hills, as well as a portion of Oakland Township.

Committee Engagements Within the House, Mark assumes the role of Republican vice chair on the House Economic Development and Small Business committee and is an active member of the Tax Policy Committee.

Legislative Priorities Mark distinguishes himself as a bipartisan leader, successfully advancing several bipartisan bills into law. Notably, he led efforts to protect online shoppers from scammers. Serving as the majority vice chair of the House Tax Policy Committee, he spearheaded initiatives to provide tax savings for small businesses and streamline tax collection processes. In 2021, Mark played a pivotal role in securing state funding for Innovation Hills, an inclusive, all-abilities park in Rochester Hills. His legislative efforts also include bipartisan proposals to incentivize gun safety and enhance transparency in state government.

Educational Background A Port Huron native, Mark graduated from Port Huron Northern High School and pursued studies in journalism at Drake University.

Professional Experience With a wealth of small business experience, Mark worked for 22 years as a principal with Backus Payne & Associates, specializing in medical-liability insurance. Prior to his legislative service, he dedicated eight years to the Rochester Hills City Council, serving four of those years as council president.

Personal Life Mark and his wife, Susan, have called Rochester Hills home for over three decades, raising their daughter and son. The Tisdel family, including six beloved grandchildren, is actively involved in the community, faithfully worshiping at St. Andrew Parish in Rochester.

Community Engagement Mark’s commitment to the Greater Rochester community extends beyond legislative duties. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of Greater Rochester and actively fundraises for local and national charities, including Angels' Place, Rochester Neighborhood House, Dutton Farm, and various other organizations.

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