contact Josh Schriver

Representative Josh Schriver Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Josh Schriver, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Josh Schriver
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact senator Josh Schriver State Rep. Josh Schriver was first elected to serve the 35th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2020.Rep. Josh Schriver represents the 34th House District, which covers most of Lenawee County.
Representative Josh Schriver secured his first election to the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2022. He currently serves as the representative for Michigan’s 66th House District, encompassing Bruce and Washington townships in Macomb County, as well as Addison, Brandon, Oakland, and Oxford townships in Oakland County.

Josh Schriver for Representative

Representative Josh Schriver secured his first election to the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2022. He currently serves as the representative for Michigan’s 66th House District, encompassing Bruce and Washington townships in Macomb County, as well as Addison, Brandon, Oakland, and Oxford townships in Oakland County.


Josh plays an active role as a member of the House Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism, and Outdoor Recreation committee.


Born and raised in Warren, Josh graduated from De La Salle Collegiate High School. He pursued higher education at Michigan State University, obtaining his bachelor’s degree in 2015. Subsequently, he earned a Master of Science in psychology.

Professional Background

Following his undergraduate studies, Josh ventured into education, becoming a kindergarten teacher in Detroit. Since 2018, he has been engaged in applied behavior analysis as a board-certified behavior analyst. In this capacity, Josh has formulated tailored programs to support children with autism and their families across various settings, including homes, schools, and clinics.

Personal Life

Josh, along with his wife Gabby, calls Oxford home. Both are deeply committed to community service, with Gabby coaching junior varsity boys and varsity girls soccer at Oxford High School. She also owns First Pick Sports, an organization dedicated to enhancing the social and motor skills of children with special needs through weekly soccer camps. In their leisure time, Josh and Gabby partake in sports, embrace continuous learning, indulge in cooking and baking, create family-friendly videos, enjoy movies, and cherish moments spent with family.

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