contact Joseph Aragona

Representative Joseph Aragona Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Joseph Aragona, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Joseph Aragona
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact senator Joseph Aragona State Rep. Joseph Aragona was first elected to serve the 35th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2020.Rep. Joseph Aragona represents the 34th House District, which covers most of Lenawee County.
State Representative Joe Aragona secured his position in the November 2022 elections, representing the 60th District, which covers the northern part of Clinton Township and the majority of Macomb Township.

Joseph Aragona for Representative

State Representative Joe Aragona secured his position in the November 2022 elections, representing the 60th District, which covers the northern part of Clinton Township and the majority of Macomb Township.

Committee Involvement

Aragona holds the role of Republican vice chair on the House Housing subcommittee and serves as a member on the Energy, Communications, and Technology; Insurance and Financial Services; and Regulatory Reform committees for the legislative term of 2023-24.

Educational Background

Graduating from Lutheran High School North in 2006, Aragona pursued an undergraduate degree in Biomedical Diagnostics at Oakland University. Furthering his education, he is set to receive an MBA from Michigan State University in April.

Professional Experience

A Macomb County native, Aragona contributed to his family’s small business, Aragona Family Jewelers, during his upbringing. His professional journey includes serving as a former Clinton Township trustee and, most recently, holding the position of deputy supervisor for Harrison Township. Aragona actively participates in philanthropy as a Kiwanian, supporting various charities throughout Macomb County. He is also involved in the Goodfellows organization, dedicated to ensuring “No Child without a Christmas.” Additionally, Aragona serves as a board member of the Humane Society of Macomb.

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