contact Jenn Hill

Representative Jenn Hill Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Jenn Hill, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Jenn Hill
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Jenn Hill
State Rep. Jenn Hill is serving her first term representing the 109th House District. Before Rep. Hill took office, she was an infrastructure advocate and nonprofit leader focused on building a more resilient Michigan

Jenn Hill for Representative

State Rep. Jenn Hill is serving her first term representing the 109th House District, which comprises Alger, Marquette, Baraga and the eastern two-thirds of Dickinson County.

Before Rep. Hill took office, she was an infrastructure advocate and nonprofit leader focused on building a more resilient Michigan. For the past 25 years, she pursued her interest in building sustainable communities and has led community-focused environmental, public health and youth mentorship nonprofit programs.

Education is a huge part of Rep. Hill’s life. She graduated second in her high school class. She worked her way through college. Thanks to the power of education and encouraging teachers, Rep. Hill earned a master’s in city planning at MIT. Her keen focus on the environment is important for the U.P., and it will be a spotlight issue of concern for her in Lansing.

Rep. Hill was elected to the Marquette City Commission in 2018. She has proven herself to be a problem solver who brings people together and gets results on the issues that matter most. She seeks to help U.P. families, workers, small businesses, students and communities not simply to survive, but to thrive.

As the former vice president of the Citizens Utility Board of Michigan, Rep. Hill leverages her experiences, continues to advocate for consumer-first energy policies and works to keep more money in Michiganders’ pockets. Her experience helps connect Michiganders and provide them with new resources. Rep. Hill works to open doors and overcome challenges so no one is left behind in Michigan.

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