contact Jaime Greene

Representative Jaime Greene Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Jaime Greene, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Jaime Greene
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact senator Jaime Greene State Rep. Jaime Greene was first elected to serve the 35th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2020.Rep. Jaime Greene represents the 34th House District, which covers most of Lenawee County.
State Representative Jaime Greene, elected in November 2022, currently represents the 65th House District, covering parts of eastern Lapeer, western St. Clair, and northern Macomb counties.

Jaime Greene for Representative

State Representative Jaime Greene, elected in November 2022, currently represents the 65th House District, covering parts of eastern Lapeer, western St. Clair, and northern Macomb counties.


Greene holds the position of Republican Vice Chair on the House Education Committee. Additionally, she actively contributes to the Energy, Communications and Technology, and Government Operations committees. As a member of the House Republican leadership team, she serves as the Caucus Vice Chair.


A graduate of Henry Ford II High School, Jaime earned a B.A. in Communications from Oakland University and an M.A. in Human Services from Liberty University.

Professional and Community Involvement

After declining a full-tuition scholarship at Central Michigan University, Jaime enlisted in the U.S. Navy, serving as a cryptologist responsible for ensuring military communication security. Post-Navy, she applied her technical skills in various roles, including Network Administrator for a Christian school and church and Technical Director for Faith Lutheran Church.

Upon moving to Richmond, Jaime assumed volunteer board positions on the Richmond Parks and Recreation Board and the Economic Development Corporation. Driven by her passion for veterans, she worked as a Veterans Counselor, aiding fellow patriots in accessing necessary services during their transition to civilian life.

In 2011, Jaime was elected to the Richmond City Council, contributing to balanced budgets, clean audits, and infrastructure projects without tax hikes. Simultaneously, she served as a regional Support Representative for Classical Conversations homeschooling program, focusing on community director contracting, training, and parental support.


Married since 2002, Jaime and her husband Jeff reside in Richmond with their two children. They are active members of Woodside Bible Church, where Jaime has served as a worship leader.

Jaime is a member and former chapter regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution. An accomplished vocalist, she frequently performs The Star-Spangled Banner at local events, a practice she initiated during her time in the Navy. Jaime has contributed to Kids in Kitchen as a board member, served as a former TAFL (Thumb Area Football League) cheer coach, co-founded the Richmond Bees Vintage Base Ball Club, and volunteered for Richmond Good Old Days.

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