contact Donni Steele

Representative Donni Steele Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Donni Steele, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Donni Steele
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact senator Donni Steele State Rep. Donni Steele was first elected to serve the 35th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2020.Rep. Donni Steele represents the 34th House District, which covers most of Lenawee County.
Representative Donni Steele emerged victorious in the November 2022 state representative election and currently serves as the representative for the 54th House District.

Donni Steele for Representative

Representative Donni Steele emerged victorious in the November 2022 state representative election and currently serves as the representative for the 54th House District. This district includes the city of Bloomfield Hills, Orion Township, a segment of Auburn Hills, and sections of Bloomfield Township and Oakland Township.

Committee Assignments

Donni actively participates in legislative affairs as a member of the House Appropriations Committee, responsible for handling the state budget. Additionally, she holds the position of Republican vice chair on the Transportation Appropriations subcommittee and serves as a member on the Health and Human Services subcommittee.

Educational Background

As a lifelong resident of Oakland County, Donni graduated from Lake Orion High School. She pursued higher education at Western Michigan University, earning a Bachelor of Science in business administration.

Professional Experience

With over two decades of small-business experience, Donni has contributed significantly to her community. She served in various capacities at Partridge & Associates, a local independent real estate firm, including roles as an associate broker, assistant manager, property manager, and realtor. Later, she became a part owner of Coldwell Banker Shooltz Realty in Oxford, where she held positions as an associate broker, manager, and realtor. Before her tenure in the House, Donni dedicated a decade to local government service, serving as an Orion Township trustee for four years and Orion Township treasurer for six years. As treasurer, she prioritized accessibility for local taxpayers, implementing efficient cost-saving measures and convenient transactions.

Personal Life

Donni and her husband, Phil, call Orion Township home. They have celebrated more than three decades of marriage and are proud parents of two sons, Max and Colton.

Community Engagement

Passionate about community safety, Donni advocated for safer bike paths for her sons' school commute. In 2014, she joined the Orion Township Safety Path Advisory Committee, assuming roles as chair and secretary of the board. Donni has also demonstrated leadership on the boards of the Polly Ann Trailway Management Council and the Paint Creek Trailways Commission. Active in local government, she played a vital role in the Oakland County chapter of the Michigan Townships Association and Oakland County Treasurers Association. Donni worships at Kensington Church in Troy and has served as a board member for the Corridor Improvement Authority, contributing to the expansion of Brown Road and fostering economic development along the corridor between Orion and Auburn Hills.

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