contact Cynthia Neeley

Representative Cynthia Neeley Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Cynthia Neeley, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Cynthia Neeley
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact senator Cynthia Neeley
State Representative Cynthia R. Neeley, a Democrat, is currently in her second full term in the Michigan House of Representatives. Initially elected to the House in March 2020 through a special election, she represented House District 34 before becoming the incumbent for House District 70, which encompasses the city of Flint.

Cynthia Neeley for Representative

State Representative Cynthia R. Neeley, a Democrat, is currently in her second full term in the Michigan House of Representatives. Initially elected to the House in March 2020 through a special election, she represented House District 34 before becoming the incumbent for House District 70, which encompasses the city of Flint. In her legislative capacity, Representative Neeley serves as the Chair of the Tax Policy Committee and is a member of the Committees on Regulatory Reform, Health Policy, Energy, Communications, and Technology, as well as Economic Development and Small Business.

Representative Neeley’s key focus areas include:

  1. Ensuring access to clean drinking water for all residents in Michigan.
  2. Increasing accessibility to affordable healthcare.
  3. Advocating for adequate funding for schools.
  4. Promoting fair wages for all citizens.
  5. Supporting initiatives for job training and skill development.
  6. Advocating for crime prevention and gun safety.

Engaged in community activism, Representative Neeley actively participates in local events and maintains open communication with community leaders, activists, and residents throughout House District 70.

In her initial months in office, Representative Neeley successfully introduced and passed several bills, including legislation related to financed convention centers across Michigan and the decriminalization of certain driving offenses, both of which were signed into law by the governor.

As a small business owner, Representative Neeley appreciates the vital role that small businesses play in sustaining a thriving economy and community.

Her educational background includes graduating from Star City High School in Star City, Arkansas. After relocating to Flint, she attended Mott Community College, earning her cosmetology license.

Representative Neeley proudly resides in Flint with her husband, Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley, and their two daughters. Actively involved in her community, she is also a member of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church.

Committed to community engagement and accessibility, Representative Neeley encourages constituents to reach out to her through phone at (517) 373-0834 or via email at [email protected].

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