contact Alicia St. Germaine

Representative Alicia St. Germaine Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Alicia St. Germaine, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Alicia St. Germaine
Position Representative
State Michigan
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact senator Alicia St. Germaine State Rep. Alicia St. Germaine was first elected to serve the 35th District in the Michigan House of Representatives in November 2020.Rep. Alicia St. Germaine represents the 34th House District, which covers most of Lenawee County.
State Representative Alicia St. Germaine secured her position in November 2022, winning the seat for the 62nd House District. This district comprises the city of Fraser, parts of Chesterfield and Clinton townships, sections of Roseville and St. Clair Shores, as well as the entirety of Harrison Township.

Alicia St. Germaine for Representative

State Representative Alicia St. Germaine secured her position in November 2022, winning the seat for the 62nd House District. This district comprises the city of Fraser, parts of Chesterfield and Clinton townships, sections of Roseville and St. Clair Shores, as well as the entirety of Harrison Township.

Committee Assignments

During the legislative session of 2023-24, St. Germaine serves on the Economic Development and Small Business committee, the Transportation, Mobility, and Infrastructure committee, and the House Health Policy Subcommittee on Behavioral Health.

Professional Background

Before entering the political arena, St. Germaine was self-employed, dedicating 25 years to collaborating closely with small-business owners and their workforce across Michigan.

Personal Life

Having been married for 28 years to a retired police officer, St. Germaine takes immense pride in raising her two children. Beyond her professional and family commitments, she finds joy in spending quality time with her loved ones. St. Germaine’s recreational interests include boating, snowmobiling, and off-road trail riding. Recognizing the natural beauty Michigan has to offer, she values activities such as walking, hiking, fishing, hunting, and exploring lakes, beaches, and parks, understanding their significance in the lives of Michigan families and friends.

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