contact Todd Smola

Representative Todd Smola Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Todd Smola, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Todd Smola
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Republican
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Contact representative Todd Smola
Todd M. Smola, born around 1977, is a Republican member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He represents the 1st Hampden District, which includes the towns of Brimfield, Holland, Palmer, Sturbridge, Wales, Ware, and Warren.

Todd Smola for Representative

Todd M. Smola, born around 1977, is a Republican member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He represents the 1st Hampden District, which includes the towns of Brimfield, Holland, Palmer, Sturbridge, Wales, Ware, and Warren.

Smola’s educational background includes graduating from Palmer High School in 1995, earning an associate’s degree in liberal arts from Holyoke Community College, and a Bachelor of Science in geography and regional planning from Westfield State College.

He began his political career in 1997 at the age of 20 when he became the youngest elected member of the Palmer planning board in the city’s history. Three years later, he became the youngest elected member on the Board of Selectmen, serving both offices simultaneously. During his time in Palmer, he served as chairman of the Board of Selectmen, the Pioneer Valley Planning Commissioner, and the education liaison to the Palmer Public Schools.

In 2001, Smola served as a legislative aide to State Representative Reed V. Hillman. He served in that capacity until August 2004, when he ran to replace Hillman in the legislature after his retirement. He assumed office on January 5, 2005, and his current term ends on January 1, 2025.

Throughout his legislative career, Smola has served on various committees including the Joint Committee on Public Service, the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy, the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs, the Joint Committee on Municipalities Regional Government, the Joint Committee on Veteran’s and Federal Affairs, and the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development. Currently, he serves on the Joint Committee on Public Service and is the ranking member of the House Committee on Bonding, Capital Expenditures and State Assets.

In addition to his political career, Smola is a member of the Sons of AMVETS, the Parish of Divine Mercy Council, the St. Stanislaus Polish Lyceum, and the St. Joseph’s Society.

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