contact Tackey Chan

Representative Tackey Chan Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Tackey Chan, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Tackey Chan
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Tackey Chan
Tackey Chan is an American state legislator serving in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He represents the 2nd Norfolk district and is a member of the Democratic Party. He and Donald Wong were the first Asian-Americans elected to the Massachusetts General Court.

Tackey Chan for Representative

Tackey Chan is an American state legislator serving in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He represents the 2nd Norfolk district and is a member of the Democratic Party. He and Donald Wong were the first Asian-Americans elected to the Massachusetts General Court.

Chan was born on August 10, 1973, in Boston, Massachusetts, and was raised in the Wollaston section of Quincy. He attended Brandeis University where he received his Bachelor of Arts in Politics in 1995. He later attended the New England School of Law to earn his Juris Doctor degree.

He first won election to the state legislature in the fall of 2010 and took office in the spring of 2011. He has been re-elected multiple times since then, often running unopposed.

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